• Eugene Elutin (11/20/2012)

    ScottPletcher (11/20/2012)

    select PARSENAME(left(email, charindex('@', email) - 1), 1) + '.' + PARSENAME(left(email, charindex('@', email) - 1), 2) +

    substring(email, charindex('@', email), len(email))

    from (

    select 'Doe.John@CompanyABC.com' as email

    ) as test_table

    Just to note: PARSENAME is elegant but not the best performer...

    Odd ... this article's testing showed the opposite:



    To eliminate deviations caused by table lookups, I looped each method 10,000 times on the same VARCHAR(15) IPv4 address. I performed the test 10 times to make sure the results were consistent.


    PARSENAME ....................... 3325 ms

    Improved SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX 3332 ms

    Improved PARSENAME ........................ 3323 ms

    It is very clear that there is little difference in performance between the different methods. However, it is also evident that PARSENAME is faster than multiple SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX calls.


    [emphasis added]

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.