Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Need help with a script to identify count of negative and positive numbers in a record RE: Need help with a script to identify count of negative and positive numbers in a record

  • dwain.c (11/19/2012)

    Eugene Elutin (11/19/2012)

    Michael Valentine Jones (11/19/2012)

    This should work also:



    union select 7,19,15,12,-13

    union select 7,19,15,12,-13

    It's not so simple as appears at first glance, so check my version...;-)

    I think you meant to use "union all select" so that the last entry (a duplicate) is retained.

    Your next solution gets a +1!

    No, I really didn't, it was just cut-&-paste, the data variation above is enough for testing functionality of the query...

    Thanks for "+1", I like it too 🙂

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