Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Find out the size of database tables, row count, data size, index growth RE: Find out the size of database tables, row count, data size, index growth

  • tinakothari (11/18/2012)

    I want to create table and all columns. column names are database name, current date, row count, data size, index size.

    in this table i want to insert about all the tables above information for one particular database.

    I want to use DMV for this

    let me know if you have any question.

    You could try this

    SELECTDB_NAME() AS DatabaseName

    , object_name(i.object_id) AS TableName

    , ISNULL(i.name, 'HEAP') AS IndexName

    , i.index_id AS IndexID

    , i.type_desc AS IndexType

    , p.partition_number AS PartitionNo

    , p.[rows] AS NumRows

    , au.type_desc AS InType

    , au.total_pages AS NumPages

    , au.total_pages * 8 AS TotKBs

    , au.used_pages * 8 AS UsedKBs

    , au.data_pages * 8 AS DataKBs

    FROM sys.indexes i INNER JOIN sys.partitions p

    ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id

    INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units au ON


    WHEN au.[type] in (1,3) THEN p.hobt_id

    WHEN au.type = 2 THEN p.partition_id

    end = au.container_id

    INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id

    WHERE o.is_ms_shipped <> 1

    ORDER BY TableName, i.index_id


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