• HI,

    1. there are so many process running in the activity monitor and neither of the process should be killed for that so much of long protocall has to follow

    2. i tried so many times sp_who2

    3. just application team always complaints simple query execution also taking longtime than usual what should i reply to them and what should i do ?

    from previous post


    1. application team complaining that queries are executing slow and want reason for that in this case what should i do [or ] follow

    2. customer complaining that the data which they are uploading is taking so much of time and continues to the next time with out completion

    (1.) inthis case when they have to upload the next day data customer canelling the previous day data which is still uploding staus

    inthis case what should i follow

    3..mayin this by cheking sp_who2 active [or ] or using dmvs [or ] dealocks what ever the things which may kill the process in activity monitor

    customer dose not want to us to kill any process with out approval....
