Need help with the below procedure

  • From:"Mishra, Abhinash, Vodafone UK, Partner" <>

    To:Abinash Mishra1/India/IBM@IBMIN,

    Date:11/15/2012 08:06 AM


    USE [R33HypInfa]


    create procedure DF012_Validation



    update [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]

    set ICP=(select B.ICP

    from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_Look_up_hfm] A,[R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]B

    Where A.Account=B.Account AND A.Icp='VS001');

    update [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]

    Set Custom1=(select B.Custom1

    from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_Look_up_hfm] A,[R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]B

    Where A.Account=B.Account AND A.Custom1 in(select distinct Base_custom1 from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_LKP_COMPARE_C1]

    where B.Custom1 in (Select Custom1 from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_LKP_COMPARE_C1] )));

    set Custom2=(select B.Custom2

    from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_Look_up_hfm] A,[R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]B

    Where A.Account=B.Account AND A.Custom2 in(select distinct Base_custom2 from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_LKP_COMPARE_C2]


    B.Custom2 in (Select Custom2 from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_LKP_COMPARE_C2] )));



    When I execute this below error is encountered


    Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

  • As you can guess from the of your queries is returning more than a single value. But I won't be able to help you much just by looking at the you could either provide DDL and some sample data which would depict your problem and then perhaps we could correct the code for you.

    Otherwise, you can just replace the "=" signs before the sub queries with "IN". But, that is if your data permits that as it could create results that you are not trying to do and might update more rows than actually you intend to update.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • update [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]

    set ICP=

    (select B.ICP

    from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_Look_up_hfm] A


    Where A.Account=B.Account AND A.Icp='VS001');

    the way this is written explains why you have duplicate values, as I'm willing to bet money that the select returns more than one B.ICP value if run independantly of the update.

    what is it you are trying to achieve?

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Yes see this query can give you more then one record here . look into this query

    select B.ICP

    from [R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_Look_up_hfm] A,[R33HypInfa].[dbo].[DF012_HFM_Staging]B

    Where A.Account=B.Account AND A.Icp='VS001'

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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