• George M Parker (11/7/2012)

    SQLSACT (11/7/2012)

    kylesway (11/7/2012)


    These are cached SQL statements or batches that aren't in stored procedures, functions and triggers. This includes any dynamic SQL or raw SELECT statements sent to the server

    What I'm trying to figure out is why it's on the top of the list? Which cache counter type would represent my buffer pool?


    You've posted this in the SQL Server 2008 forum, but please confirm that you're running SQL Server 2008. I recall that there were some issues in SQL 2005 where ad hoc querys could bloat the plan cache leading to this type of behavior.

    2008 Sp3

    Is there a script that would give me the amount of memory allocated to SQL Server, show me how the memory is allocated between the different areas of memory (Plan Cache, Buffer Pool) etc.
