• Attaching an Excel sheet is not called providing readily consumable sample data. Please check the link in my signature and post sample data as shown in the link. This time i'll do it for you so that other Forum members can use it and provide you with a solution:

    --Creating Table

    Create table Ex

    (Product NVarchar(10),

    InsertDateTime DateTime,

    EffectiveDateTime DateTime,

    Value Float )

    --Inserting Sample Data

    Insert into Ex

    Select 'Apples','1/9/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/9/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/9/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    Union ALL

    Select 'Apples','1/10/2012 5:03','1/10/2012 5:03',1.00

    --Query for your Requirement

    Select a.Product, a.[SumEffectivedate(currentday)] ,b.[SumEffectivedate(currentmonth)], c.[Sum Effectivedate(currentmonth)where_Insertdatetime_less_than_current_month]


    (Select Product, SUM(Value) As [SumEffectivedate(currentday)]

    From Ex

    Group By Product, DATEPART(DD, EffectiveDateTime) ) As a


    (Select Product, SUM(Value) As [SumEffectivedate(currentmonth)]

    From Ex

    Group By Product, DATEPART(MM, EffectiveDateTime) ) As b ON a.Product = b.Product


    (Select Product, SUM(Value) As [Sum Effectivedate(currentmonth)where_Insertdatetime_less_than_current_month]

    From Ex

    Where DATEDIFF(DD, EffectiveDateTime, InsertDateTime) < 0

    Group By Product, DATEPART(MM, EffectiveDateTime) ) As c ON a.Product = c.Product

    From what I understood from the Excel sheet you provided....I came up with the above query. If this does not help then please provide the complete query that you are using and then may be someone might come up with a better solution.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉