Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Tempgb log - not able to shrink....none of the queries are helping RE: Tempgb log - not able to shrink....none of the queries are helping

  • SQLQuest29 (11/2/2012)

    sqldba_newbie (10/30/2012)

    I have gone through many many different forums in trying to identify my tempdb issues. None of the queries are giving me the data i want. Basically at the moment my tempdb log file is 38 gb, after i run all the queries from different forums i see ONLY 300 MB being used in tempdb. I am still lost and have these questions:

    i) Do the DMV's consider log file usage/capacity at all or is it just data file?

    ii) Can someone please provide me with a query which will tell me which spid has used up all the tempdb data and log file.


    As Gail mentioned .. why are you shrinking TEMPDB ? what is causing it to bloat ?

    Below is some T-SQL that will help you.

    -- monitor the space for tempdb


    SUM (user_object_reserved_page_count)*8 as usr_obj_kb,

    SUM (internal_object_reserved_page_count)*8 as internal_obj_kb,

    SUM (version_store_reserved_page_count)*8 as version_store_kb,

    SUM (unallocated_extent_page_count)*8 as freespace_kb,

    SUM (mixed_extent_page_count)*8 as mixedextent_kb,

    SUM (User_object_reserved_page_count +

    internal_object_reserved_page_count +

    version_store_reserved_page_count +

    unallocated_extent_page_count +

    mixed_extent_page_count) * 8 as total_space

    FROM sys.dm_db_file_space_usage

    --shrink tempdb

    USE [tempdb]


    DBCC FREEPROCCACHE -- CAUTION: this will free up all cache plans


    USE [tempdb]


    DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'templog' , 10000) -- will shrink the ldf file to 10GB


    Set nocount on

    --This script displays what's going on behind the scenes of TempDB database

    --This script is compatible with SQL Server 2005 only.

    If Exists (Select Name from SysObjects where Name='#Tmp_TempData')


    Drop Table #Tmp_TempData


    If Exists (Select Name from SysObjects where Name='#Tmp_Ops_TempDATA')


    Drop Table #Tmp_Ops_TempDATA


    --Dump all SQL Handles from TempDB into #Tmp_Ops_TempDATA


    t3.sql_handle as 'SQLHandle',

    t3.statement_start_offset as 'Statement_Start_OffSET',

    t3.statement_end_offset as 'Statement_End_OffSET'

    Into #Tmp_Ops_TempDATA

    from sys.dm_db_session_space_usage as t1, sys.dm_exec_requests t3,

    (select session_id, sum(internal_objects_alloc_page_count) as task_alloc,

    sum (internal_objects_dealloc_page_count) as task_dealloc

    from sys.dm_db_task_space_usage group by session_id) as t2

    where t1.session_id = t2.session_id and t1.session_id >50

    and t1.database_id = 2 --- tempdb is database_id=2

    and t1.session_id = t3.session_id

    --Go thru each handle and display the results

    Declare @SQLHandle VarBinary(64),@StartOffSet int,@EndOffSet int

    Declare CheckOps_TempDATA Cursor For Select [SQLHandle],Statement_Start_OffSET,Statement_End_OffSET from #Tmp_Ops_TempDATA

    Open CheckOps_TempDATA

    Fetch Next from CheckOps_TempDATA into @SQLHandle,@StartOffSet,@EndOffSet

    While (@@Fetch_Status=0)


    --Insert into #Tmp_TempData


    DB_Name(qt.dbid) as 'Database_Name',


    (case when s.statement_end_offset = -1

    then len(convert(nvarchar(max), qt.text)) * 2

    else s.statement_end_offset end -s.statement_start_offset)/2)

    as 'SQL_Statement'

    ,s.statement_start_offset as 'Start_OffSET'

    ,s.statement_end_offset as 'End_OffSET'

    ,qt.text as 'TSQL_Batch'

    ,qt.objectid as 'Object_ID'

    ,s.execution_count as 'Execution_Count'

    ,s.total_physical_reads as 'Total_Physical_Reads'

    ,s.total_logical_writes as 'Total_Logical_Writes'

    from sys.dm_exec_query_stats s

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.sql_handle) as qt

    where s.sql_handle = @SQLHANDLE

    and s.statement_start_offset = @StartOffSET

    and s.statement_end_offset = @EndOffSET

    Fetch Next from CheckOps_TempDATA into @SQLHandle,@StartOffSet,@EndOffSet


    Close CheckOps_TempDATA

    Deallocate CheckOps_TempDATA

    Thanks for the info. I think my post took a different angle now :(. My goal here is to find the queries which are filling up my tempdb. In your first query it ONLY tells how data file, what about log file? How do i tell freespace and total space in logfile? Why do i need to clear cache to shrink tempdb? In last query i won't be able to find the query using most space.