• Just add the CASE construct to your SELECT. The CASE construct can be made more compact too:

    select distinct VacancyInternalID


    ,null ParentInternalID

    ,null GeoLocation


    order = (

    case @SortFieldIndexConfig

    when 2

    then VacancyTitle

    else VacancyInternalID



    from Vacancy.TB_Vacancy va

    inner join Config.TB_Contract co on va.VacancyContractID = co.ContractInternalID

    where co.ContractExternalID = '492A94D0-7D71-46E5-A8F6-E3A973394647'

    and co.ContractStatusID = 1

    and VacancyStatusID = 1

    and VacancyTitle like '%%'

    order by (

    case @SortFieldIndexConfig

    when 2

    then VacancyTitle

    else VacancyInternalID


    ) desc

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.