• GSquared (10/30/2012)

    I'm not clear on what you're asking for help on. I see the code, I see you want to do something in a Join statement instead of "at the end" (do you mean in a Where clause?), but it's not clear to me what precisely you are asking.

    As an aside, you can simplify your drop-checks on the temp tables. Instead of "if exists ....", just "if object_id(N'tempdb..#MyTempTable') is not null" works just fine, and takes less steps. Microscopically faster, since you're already checking the object_id function in your Where clause, too.

    I need to either re-write this portion or something else.

    AND Substring(@dlm + r.Fve+ @dlm, t.ID - 1, 1) = @dlm -- i need to move this on the top where there is join on # Sid table.

    AND Ltrim(Rtrim(Substring(@dlm + r.Fve+ @dlm, t.ID, Charindex(@dlm, @dlm + r.Fve+ @dlm, t.ID) - t.ID))) = f.Fve