• H4K, your solution does not work because SSRS 2008 will not allow to have multivalue parameter and allow null value checked.

    What I got is this:

    CapPARAM Parameter Query:

    SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(cap.title, '') AS Captitle, ISNULL(cap.title, 'NULL') AS CaptitleDesc, cha.title AS Expr1


    WHERE (chap.title = @ChapPARAM)

    CapPARAM Parameter Properties:

    Allow Multivalue

    Available Values: Value field: Captitle , Label field: CaptitleDesc.

    Dataset Query

    SELECT DISTINCT chap.title, cap.title AS Expr1, cap.ed_pecent


    WHERE (chap.title = @ChapPARAM) AND (ISNULL(cap.title, '') IN (@CapPARAM))

    ORDER BY chap.title

    What I need is to enable the report user to not interact imperatively in all of the parameters, but he does have to select values from the first one.

    Need solutions here, Thanks

    Best Regards!