Connect SSIS 2005 to teradata

  • i want to connect to teradata using SSIS 2005. i have .net drivers for teradata. i'm able to to add teradata from tools-->connect to data base. but whne i try to connect to teradta server using the "connection manager" the "test connection" fails, giving some initialisation error/SQL server not allowed to make cennection.

    still dont know the reason of this error, also is there some other way to connect to teradata from SSIS 2005 with .net connectors for teradata.

  • I successfully use the TeraData ODBC driver via an ADO NET Source in SSIS to retrieve data from a TeraData DB. Start by creating an ODBC Data Source in Windows. Then reference the DSN in a new ADO NET connection within your SSIS package. Then you can reference the ADO NET connection in an ADO NET Data Source in a Data Flow Task.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I am just trying to connect to Teradabata from SSMS - actually transfer some data from Tera tables into SQL tables - and get this error message.



    Invalid connection string. (Teradata.Client.Provider)


    Program Location:

    at Teradata.Client.Provider.TdConnection.Open()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.DTSWizard.GetOpenedConnection(WizardInputs wizardInputs, String connEntryName)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.DtsWizard.Step1.OnLeavePage(LeavePageEventArgs e)

    Any ideas . . . I am using the .Net Framework for Teradata connection

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