• so i went for the SQL CLR just to see if i could get it to work (been on a learning kick right now so im going with it) and here are my results.

    Duration for CHARINDEX = 00:00:21:963

    Duration for LEN = 00:00:16:217

    Duration for CHARINDEX with COLLATE = 00:00:10:260

    Duration for PARSENAME = 00:00:11:043

    Duration for LIKE = 00:00:11:293

    Duration for LIKE with Collate = 00:00:10:707

    Duration for SQLCLR = 00:00:14:427

    What i added to the run



    DECLARE @HOLDER INT, @Duration CHAR(12), @StartTime DATETIME;

    SELECT @StartTime = GETDATE();


    FROM #testEnvironment

    WHERE dbo.RegexCLR(ISNULL(yourData,'')) = 1

    SELECT @Duration = CONVERT(CHAR(12),GETDATE()-@StartTime,114);

    RAISERROR('Duration for SQLCLR = %s',0,1,@Duration) WITH NOWAIT;

    and the code for the SQLCLR

    public partial class UserDefinedFunctions



    public static bool RegexCLR(string input)


    return Regex.IsMatch(input,@"^[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$");



    of course when we change the NTEXT to NVARCHAR(MAX) i get the following:

    Duration for CHARINDEX = 00:00:06:030

    Duration for LEN = 00:00:03:253

    Duration for CHARINDEX with COLLATE = 00:00:00:943

    Duration for PARSENAME = 00:00:01:147

    Duration for LIKE = 00:00:07:253

    Duration for LIKE with Collate = 00:00:01:353

    Duration for SQLCLR = 00:00:04:040

    they are all really close over 1 million records.

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

    For performance Issues see how we like them posted here: How to Post Performance Problems - Gail Shaw[/url]

    Need to Split some strings? Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 1[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 2[/url]