• This works for me. I've made a few assumptions as to the ID, value and name.

    I've also modified the test data for assumption 1 and 2.

    1. ID value is not always incremented by 1 there can be gaps.

    2. Value does not always have the same name (i.e. 10 is not always "test")

    3. We're looking for duplicates in Value and Test (i.e. composite unique key)

    4. We keep the first instance of a duplicate and delete the subsequent ones.

    DECLARE @testtable TABLE (id INT, value INT, NAME CHAR(4));

    INSERT INTO @testtable


    (1, 10, 'test'), --Keep

    (2, 5, 'prod'), --Keep

    (4, 10, 'test'), --Keep

    (6, 4, 'test'), --Keep

    (7, 4, 'test'), --Drop

    (9, 4, 'Job'), --Keep (matching value but not name)

    (11, 10, 'test'), --Keep

    (13, 10, 'test') --Drop


    with t1 as (

    select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by id) RowID




    from @testtable


    delete a

    from @testtable a

    where id in (

    select t1.id

    from t1

    inner join t1 t2

    on t1.RowID = t2.RowID + 1

    and t1.value = t2.value

    and t1.NAME = t2.NAME


    select *

    from @testtable

    Mike Hahn - MCSomething someday:-)
    Right way to ask for help!!
    I post so I can see my avatar :hehe:
    I want a personal webpage 😎
    I want to win the lotto 😀
    I want a gf like Tiffa :w00t: Oh wait I'm married!:-D