• Excellent use of SSIS

    however I did spot a potential bottleneck, you could potentially get stuck in loop if the process that held the file open has halted or crashed or ended with a file lock still in place

    Consider the following as a replacement for your wait code, Hope this proves useful at times when things get stuck 🙂

    private void WaitForExclusiveAccess(FileInfo dataFile)


    // local variable to say how many seconds to wait in between checking if we can gain

    // exclusive access to the found file

    int secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts = 5;

    // local variable to pass to events that require parameters be passed by ref

    bool fireAgain = true;

    int Loopcount = 1;

    int EndlessLoopCount = 10;

    //multiple of the interval between open attemtps ie 10 in this case will lapse after 60 seconds of trying to open the file

    // Loop indefinitely checking if we can access the data file.

    while (1 == 1) {

    if (Loopcount > EndlessLoopCount) {

    string strError = string.Format("failed to gain exclusive access to file {0} . Waited {1} seconds trying every {2} Seconds, Exiting package", foundFile.FullName, secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts * EndlessLoopCount, secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts);

    Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, null, strError, string.Empty, 0, true);

    throw new TimeoutException(strError);


    try {

    // Attempt to gain access to the file.

    using (Stream stream = new FileStream(dataFile.FullName, FileMode.Open)) {

    // If we made it here no exception was thrown meaning we

    // could access the file. We will break out of the loop and allow

    // the rest of the package to continue processing.

    break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Try


    // We are not interested in ending the program when an IOException

    // occurs in this area. This type of exception means we could not

    // gain access to the file.

    // In general, programming algorithms that leverage exceptions for

    // control flow are frowned upon. However in the case of file access

    // it is an acceptable pattern.

    } catch (IOException generatedExceptionName) {


    // raise an information event saying we could not gain exclusive access to the found file and will wait

    Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, null, "Could not gain exclusive access to file " + foundFile.FullName + ". Waiting " + secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts.ToString() + " seconds before trying again...", string.Empty, 0, fireAgain);

    // wait some time before checking whether the file can be used

    Threading.Thread.Sleep(secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts * 1000);

    Loopcount += 1;



    or if people have converted to VB

    Private Sub WaitForExclusiveAccess(ByVal dataFile As FileInfo)

    ' local variable to say how many seconds to wait in between checking if we can gain

    ' exclusive access to the found file

    Dim secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts As Integer = 5

    ' local variable to pass to events that require parameters be passed by ref

    ' EndlessLoopcount multiple of the interval between open attemtps ie 10 in this case will lapse after 60 seconds of trying to open the file

    Dim fireAgain As Boolean = True, Loopcount As Integer = 1, EndlessLoopCount As Integer = 10

    ' Loop indefinitely checking if we can access the data file.

    While 1 = 1

    If Loopcount > EndlessLoopCount Then

    Dim strError As String = String.Format("failed to gain exclusive access to file {0} . Waited {1} seconds trying every {2} Seconds, Exiting package", foundFile.FullName, secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts * EndlessLoopCount, secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts)

    Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, Nothing, strError, String.Empty, 0, True)

    Throw New TimeoutException(strError)

    End If


    ' Attempt to gain access to the file.

    Using stream As Stream = New FileStream(dataFile.FullName, FileMode.Open)

    ' If we made it here no exception was thrown meaning we

    ' could access the file. We will break out of the loop and allow

    ' the rest of the package to continue processing.

    Exit Try

    End Using

    ' We are not interested in ending the program when an IOException

    ' occurs in this area. This type of exception means we could not

    ' gain access to the file.

    ' In general, programming algorithms that leverage exceptions for

    ' control flow are frowned upon. However in the case of file access

    ' it is an acceptable pattern.

    Catch generatedExceptionName As IOException

    End Try

    ' raise an information event saying we could not gain exclusive access to the found file and will wait

    Dts.Events.FireInformation(0, Nothing, "Could not gain exclusive access to file " + foundFile.FullName + ". Waiting " + secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts.ToString() + " seconds before trying again...", String.Empty, 0, fireAgain)

    ' wait some time before checking whether the file can be used

    Threading.Thread.Sleep(secondsToWaitBetweenAttempts * 1000)

    Loopcount += 1

    End While

    End Sub