• Lowell, I continue to struggle with this. I downloaded zip-7, and wrote a vbs script to call it. Problem is, both the source and target paths have spaces in the pathnames. In any shell situation, I can't seem to use two sets of double quotes. One set gets eaten up. Am I doing it wrong?

    Option Explicit

    ' Need to create a full path following the Target Location:

    ' Higher Level Folder: "YYYY-MMM_Backup"

    ' File Name "YY-MM-DD.Zip"

    ' Backing up the "CPAS folder and all its subfolders"

    Dim YYYY

    Dim YY

    Dim MMM

    Dim MM

    Dim DD

    Dim strZipInstruction

    Dim strZipProgLoc

    Dim strTargetLoc

    Dim strSourceLoc

    Dim FileNameZip

    Dim strDate

    Dim oFSO

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    YYYY = Cstr(Year(Date))

    YY = Right(YYYY,2)

    MM = FormatNumber((Month(Date)),0,-1)

    MMM = Left(MonthName(Month(Date)),3)

    DD = FormatNumber(Day(Date),0,-1)

    strTargetLoc = "H:\mtv\secure\Construction\Access\All Database Backup\" & YYYY & "-" & MMM & "_Backup\"

    If Not oFSO.FolderExists(strTargetLoc) Then

    oFSO.CreateFolder strTargetLoc

    End If

    strTargetLoc = """H:\mtv\secure\Construction\Access\All Database Backup\" & YYYY & "-" & MMM & "_Backup\"""

    strSourceLoc = "H:\mtv\secure\Construction\Access\CPAS\"

    strZipProgLoc = """C:\Documents and Settings\jamesshaffer\My Documents\7-Zip\7za.exe"" a "

    strDate = YY & "-" & MM & "-" & DD

    FileNameZip = strDate & ".zip"

    strZipInstruction=strZipProgLoc & strTargetLoc & FileNameZip & " " & strSourceLoc

    MsgBox strZipInstruction
