• roger.plowman (10/22/2012)

    It must be nice to have a team of developers on call. :hehe:

    I work for a fairly small company (about 150 employees) and I *AM* the IT department. Support, development, hardware repair, networkworking, etc, etc, etc.

    Let me tell you something about users:

    1) They're too busy to beta test software.

    2) They're not too busy to call and complain.

    3) They don't remember you have to sleep.

    4) 18/7/365 on call sucks unless you're very very good at preventing errors from happening in the first place.

    From an enterprise POV the half-dozen servers and probably 150,000 lines of custom code I manage may seem like nothing. But it's just me and my lonesome.

    So when I hear "management should do X and developers should own their software" I have to roll my eyes.

    When you have no budget, literally no staff, no time, and only minimal code tools you begin to understand just how important it is the software handle every imaginable user stupidity.

    On the upside it does tend to encourage pride of ownership (laughing).

    Yikes! I'd be tempted to work my own schedule and respond to on-call stuff at my own leisure, and see if they have the guts to fire me. It would be their loss. Seriously, you're irreplaceable at that point.

    Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?