• They seem to forget that if you want something real bad, you'll normally get it that way.

    I'll be using that comment a few times I think.

    I think IT needs restructuring so you get end-to-end ownership of a product. What is produced needs to be viewed as a product that has to be something a customer would choose to buy, not something that is thrust upon them.

    In the data space we face a double-whammy in that not only must a system work reliably but the data it produces must be of quality. These two things aren't necessarily the same thing.

    Problems where things break under production loads are generally excused by there being no representative test environment. I have worked for only one company that has an AS-LIVE environment whose only difference from the live environment was that it ran at LIVE+25% load. I failed to appreciate just how valuable that was at the time. Older and wiser now!

    We do have a software warranty period where I work now. This is nominally two weeks after production sign it off as fit for purpose but if something major crops up all sign-offs are null and void.

    Irritating niggles however stay, seemingly for the life time of the product.