• selvakumar.sms (10/15/2012)

    hi all

    this is my small part if code, i dont know which cursor taking more time to consolidate the data.

    Thanks for posting this. The first cursor loop (ARTransaction_Cursor) can be easily converted to a set-based query as follows;

    INSERT INTO TemplateARTransactions (































    , Convert(Datetime,@BusinessDate,105)

    ,@LocationCode+cast(cn.FiscalYear as varchar(5)) + 'CN'+cast(cn.DocNo as Varchar(20))

    ,@LocationCode+cast(cn.FiscalYear as varchar(5)) +'CN'+cast(cn.DocNo as Varchar(20))+'/'+CAST(LineItemNo as Varchar(5))

    , Null







    ,'GH Closure'





    ,'GH'+cast(RefGHAccountDocNo as varchar (20))











    FROM (


    cn.Amount, -- @Amount

    cn.FiscalYear, -- @FiscalYear

    RefGHAccountDocNo, -- @AccountNo

    cn.DocNo, -- @CNNo

    cn.DocDate, -- @BusinessDateTemp

    LineItemNo = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY GH.DocNo), -- check that this is the correct sort order

    MaxRecordNo = x.iMaxRecordNo + ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY GH.DocNo) -- and this


    INNER Join GHDetails d

    ON GH.DocNo = d.RefGHAccountDocNo

    and GH.FiscalYear = d.REFAccountCodeFiscalYear

    and GH.LocationCode = d.LocationCode

    INNER Join CreditNote cn

    ON d.DocNo = cn.RefDocNo

    and d.FiscalYear = cn.RefFiscalYear

    and d.Locationcode = cn.Locationcode

    INNER join LocationMaster lm

    ON cn.LocationCode = lm.LocationCOde


    SELECT iMaxRecordNo = MAX(RecordNumber) + 1

    FROM TemplateARTransactions

    WHERE LocationCode = @LocationCode

    ) x

    WHERE cn.DocDate = @BusinessDate -- # EOD Data Fetch 15-Jul-08

    AND OwnerInfo <> 'Level 3'

    AND GH.Status <> 0

    AND GH.LocationCode = @LocationCode -- parameter

    And CreditNoteType = 'GH'

    AND RefDocType = 'GH'

    and cn.DocNo > 0 --CNNo>0

    ) d

    Untested - no sample data.

    You can see that it's very simple to do. This should perform far faster than the cursor equivalent.

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins[/url] / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url] Jeff Moden[/url]