Load data from multiple tabs in excel to different tables

  • Hi,

    I have an Excel File and has 3 tabs.

    Need to load the 3 tabs data to 3 different tables using SSIS 2005.

    Could you please let me know the steps?



  • Have you tried creating three seperate Excel data sources?

  • You'll need to execute a SQL task for each tab using an EXCEL connection manager pointing to the output spreadsheet. The SQL task contains the DDL to do the CREATE TABLE used to generate the Excel tab. Then complete a separate data flow to populate each tab. Wire them up sequentially and you'll generate a multi-tab spreadsheet.

  • robert.gerald.taylor (10/11/2012)

    Have you tried creating three seperate Excel data sources?

    Excel file is 2007 version and am using ssis 2005. We dont have option to use EXCEL 2007 directly. So using OLEDB source, i created connection.



  • Step 1: You can read the excel file based on below connection string in your Script Task.

    Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='"& <Your Source Path> &"';Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=" & <FirstRowIsHeader = YES> & ";IMEX=1

    Step 2: Read all the Excel data's and Create any CSV format for each tab.

    Step 3: Using Flat File Source load it to your destination database.

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