• mister.magoo (10/9/2012)

    Obviously, you must ensure the web site has only ASP.NET Impersonation and Windows Authentication enabled in the "Authentication" settings for this to work...

    You do make it seem simple, but it appears there are two pieces of the puzzle not stated in your solution that allow your code to function in a distributed environment.

    1. SPN for MSSQLSVC must exist under account running database service which allows the client's Kerberos ticket to make it to the database server intact

    2. browser must be configured for "Integrated Windows Authentication" which allows the client credential to be passed to the web server through browser without asking the client to supply username/password

    Edit: I had the reply-screen up for a while. I just noticed your edit "fix wording in last sentence" to include the browser piece (piece #2 above) so that just leaves puzzle piece #1

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