• The relationship is via the key (first field) in the first table 'Subjects' and the second field 'SubjectsIKey' in the second.

    CREATE TABLE Subjects



    SubjectsHeading TEXT


    CREATE TABLE Subjects_items


    SubjectsItem INTEGER,

    SubjectsIKey TEXT,



    The first field in the first table is unique, no duplicates. There may be many 'items', however, which have the same subject entry and these appear in the second table. Example:

    In the table 'Subjects'

    SubjectsKey SubjectsHeading

    DOGS Dogs

    CATS Cats

    In the table 'Subjects_items'

    SubjectsItem SubjectsIKey

    10 DOGS

    11 DOGS

    12 CATS

    13 DOGS

    What I'd like to do is find out how many occurances of SubjectsIKey in the second table ('Subjects_items') match each SubjectsKey in the first table. The result is two fields: SubjectsKey and a value showing the count. In the example, DOGS 3 and then CATS 1.

    I can do it using two SELECT statements, one to collect all the keys in the first table into an array or memory list then loop through them using another SELECT to count each heading, but my intuition says it should be possible using one single SELECT. The actual data could contain over 100,000 entries in Subjects and at least as many records in Subjects_items.

    Hope this is clear.
