• I'm not sure how logical this project is, but it seemed interesting to do this without looping. It was fun.

    declare @b-2 bigint = 31;

    declare @out varbinary(128) = 0x;

    -- simple inline tally table

    with cteTen as

    ( select N from (values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) as t(N) ),

    cteNums as

    ( select N = 0

    union all

    selecttop (63) -- the 64th bit would be bigger than a bigint max value

    N = row_number() over(order by (select null))

    from cteTen as cte1

    cross join cteTen as cte2 ),

    -- the meat of the query

    cteInit as

    ( selectcte.N

    ,ValThis = power(convert(decimal(20,0), 2), N)

    ,ValNext = power(convert(decimal(20,0), 2), N + 1)

    from cteNums as cte )

    select@out = @out + convert(varbinary(1), case when (@b - (floor(@b / cte.ValNext)) * cte.ValNext) >= cte.ValThis then 1 else 0 end)

    from cteInit as cte

    where cte.ValThis <= @b-2

    order by cte.N desc;

    select @out;

    This is verified to work with the largest possible bigint. I did not code it with negative numbers in mind.

    └> bt

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