• You could try setting @MyNumberReturn to null instead of '000000'.

    Then you'd only need to check if it was null:

    if object_id('tempdb..##tmpSlsTaxOrdsDtl') is not null

    drop table ##tmpSlsTaxOrdsDtl;

    create table ##tmpSlsTaxOrdsDtl


    OrderNo varchar(6)


    --insert ##tmpSlsTaxOrdsDtl values ( '123456' );

    Declare @MyNumberReturn as varchar(6);

    Declare @OrderNum as varchar(6);

    SET @OrderNum = '123456';

    SET @MyNumberReturn = NULL;

    SELECT @MyNumberReturn = (SELECT OrderNo FROM ##tmpSlsTaxOrdsDtl WHERE OrderNo = @OrderNum );

    if (@MyNumberReturn IS NULL)

    PRINT '@MyNumberReturn is null'

    else print @MyNumberReturn; --if result returned to @MyNumberReturn, the data is printed.

    select @MyNumberReturn;

    Also note: If you concatenate a string with null you get null, so this:

    if (@MyNumberReturn IS NULL) --get nothing

    PRINT 'Invoice #: ' + @MyNumberReturn

    will not show anything when @MyNumberReturn is null.

    BTW You need to set the variable to null before running the query, because if no rows are returned the variable IS NOT UPDATED!