Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Query result in SQL Server 2000 return correct and SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 return wrong RE: Query result in SQL Server 2000 return correct and SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 return wrong

  • Dear Evil,

    Let me see and understand you.

    If we have a query follow:





    from( select c.unidade,




    from cad_interface c

    inner join sam.dbo.Unidade u


    where left(interface,6)='Inform'

    and unidade = 999

    and data between 20120701 and 20120702 ) as w

    left outer join

    ( select dataint Data,

    left(nomeint,11) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS 'Interface',

    SUBSTRING(nomeint,4,2) Unidade

    from openquery(BS,'select * from PDTABLE')

    where SUBSTRING(nomeint,1,1) = 'P' ) as b

    on(w.data= b.data

    and w.unidade= b.Unidade

    and w.nomeinterface= left(b.interface,8))

    order by w.data, w.unidade

    In SQL Server 2K or 2K5 the WHERE clause where SUBSTRING(nomeint,1,1) = 'P' is run first in the subquery and then it does the join. However, in SQL Server 2K8 the engine return all informations and then after it does the join?

    Thanks for help

    Antonio Estima