• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (9/17/2012)

    Jeff Moden (9/16/2012)

    I've found that such "committee decisions" can be horribly wrong especially when people who might not know as much about databases outnumber those that do (think lynch mob, gang rape, and Lemming mentality combined). Everyone working the same way has some very nasty ramifications if they're all doing the same wrong thing. 😉

    Rule 1 for database development should be, "Find someone that actually knows how to design databases correctly and then follow their rules."

    This isn't about technical design decisions. It's more about process. We agree with naming conventions, we agree that there is a QA process. We agree developers will turn over unit tests or edge cases. We agree that new tables get a review by the group, or by a person.

    We decide to work in a way that complements, rather than each person deciding how they like to work.

    The problem I've seen emerging lately is that the database is no longer part of the equation by using Entity Framework or other similar framework. In those cases it is even harder to optimally design the database. Last issue I found was triple the number of calls where most of them should have been cached on application load.

    Currently my db dev team of three have a pretty large shared db and that works just fine as long as they do what I [we] decide and as professional that I require. Nothing more, nothing less. The devs are also aware of what is expected of them...