Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Restart runningtotal when predetermined value is reached RE: Restart runningtotal when predetermined value is reached

  • You could try the following

    I'm sure that this can be improved though and I don't know if it will scale very well as it is recursive.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#table','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #table

    CREATE TABLE #table


    tableID int NOT NULL,

    runningCount int not null,

    orderCol int,

    FieldToSum float


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#table2','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #table2

    CREATE TABLE #table2


    tableID int NOT NULL,

    runningCount int not null,

    orderCol int,

    FieldToSum float


    insert #table

    select1, 0, 1, 4.733415944 union all

    select2, 0, 8, 4.733415944 union all

    select3, 0, 6, 4.733415944 union all

    select4, 0, 19, 4.733415944 union all

    select5, 0, 14, 6.950871733 union all

    select6, 0, 3, 6.942781406 union all

    select7, 0, 2, 6.956403557 union all

    select8, 0, 20, 6.945977457 union all

    select9, 0, 11, 6.956403557 union all

    select10, 0, 13, 6.956403557 union all

    select11, 0, 4, 6.945977457 union all

    select12, 0, 10, 6.956403557 union all

    select13, 0, 17, 6.945977457 union all

    select14, 0, 12, 6.956403557 union all

    select15, 0, 15, 6.968313001 union all

    select16, 0, 5, 6.968313001 union all

    select17, 0, 7, 7.024537923 union all

    select18, 0, 18, 7.024537923 union all

    select19, 0, 16, 6.968313001 union all

    select20, 0, 9, 6.968313001

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [Idx1] ON #table(orderCol)


    maxordercol as (SELECT MAX(orderCol) endorder FROM #table),

    a AS (

    SELECT TableID, orderCol, FieldToSum,

    FieldToSum RunTotal,

    1 runningCount,

    'A' direction

    FROM #table

    WHERE orderCol = 1


    SELECT t.TableID, t.orderCol, t.FieldToSum,

    case when t.FieldToSum + a.runTotal <= 25 then

    t.FieldToSum + a.runTotal



    end RunTotal,

    case when t.FieldToSum + a.runTotal <= 25 then



    a.runningCount + 1

    end runningCount,

    'A' direction

    FROM a

    inner join #table t on t.orderCol = a.orderCol + 1


    b as (

    SELECT TableID, orderCol, FieldToSum,

    FieldToSum RunTotal,

    1 runningCount,

    'D' direction

    FROM #table

    WHERE orderCol = (select endorder from maxordercol)


    SELECT t.TableID, t.orderCol, t.FieldToSum,

    case when t.FieldToSum + b.runTotal <= 25 then

    t.FieldToSum + b.runTotal



    end RunTotal,

    case when t.FieldToSum + b.runTotal <= 25 then



    b.runningCount + 1

    end runningCount,

    'D' direction

    FROM b

    inner join #table t on t.orderCol = b.orderCol - 1


    c AS (

    select tableid, runningCount, ordercol, fieldtosum

    from (

    select *, row_number() OVER (partition by tableid order by runningCount) seq

    from (select * from a union all select * from b) x

    ) y

    where y.seq = 1


    INSERT INTO #table2

    SELECT *

    FROM c


    UPDATE #table

    SET runningCount = b.runningCount

    FROM #table a INNER JOIN #table2 b ON a.tableid = b.tableid

    I tried it over 1200 records as well and the performance was 40ms vs 4200ms