• Sean Lange (9/24/2012)

    Are you trying to audit when a given sourcefile was used to update a specific server? The way you have this coded you can only ever update a specific server with a given sourcefile. If that is what you are after then this is NOT a junction table it is more like an audit table.

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks for the response - yes, that's what I'm after. I know I won't be able to track previous updates, but that's not part of the spec nor important.

    Guess I'd always call this type of design a link/junction table, as to me it's handling a m-m relationship, but then audit table is probably a closer definition to its purpose!

    In terms of design, is there another way to accomplish this? Obviously I'm not going to add updateserver1,2,3... fields to the sourcefile table, but I can't see another way.
