• SQL Kiwi (9/21/2012)

    This is about twice as fast for me:


    [font="Courier New"]    public static int SumDigits(int Input)


            int sum = 0;

            for (int n = System.Math.Abs(Input); n > 0; sum += n % 10, n /= 10) ;

            return sum;



    Unrolling the loop yields a small performance gain. Still doesn't handle NULLs or -2147483648 though.


    public static int SumDigits(int Input)


    int n = (Input >= 0 ? Input : -Input);

    return (n % 10) +

    ((n/10) % 10) +

    ((n/100) % 10) +

    ((n/1000) % 10) +

    ((n/10000) % 10) +

    ((n/100000) % 10) +

    ((n/1000000) % 10) +

    ((n/10000000) % 10) +

    ((n/100000000) % 10) +

    ((n/1000000000) % 10);



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