Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Getting the last entry based on a previous entry. RE: Getting the last entry based on a previous entry.

  • GF (9/21/2012)

    What I am wanting to achieve is a list of any reports that have a current status of 1 (submitted), and that report has been previously submitted.

    In other words, I need a list of reports where the status =1 and the previous status =2 for that same reported.

    Might not be exactly what you need but hopefully gives you some ideas.

    DECLARE @Tmp TABLE (RowId INT IDENTITY(1,1), Report_id INT, Report_status_id INT, last_modified DATETIME)

    INSERT INTO @Tmp (Report_id, Report_status_id, last_modified)

    SELECTReport_id, Report_status_id, last_modified


    ORDER BY Report_id, last_modified DESC

    SELECTt1.Report_id, t1.Report_status_id, t1.last_modified

    , pv_Report_id = t2.Report_id, pv_Report_status_id = t2.Report_status_id, pv_last_modified = t2.last_modified

    FROM@Tmp t1

    INNER JOIN @Tmp t2 ON t1.Report_id = t2.Report_id AND t1.RowId + 1 = t2.RowId

    WHEREt1.Report_status_id = 1

    ANDt2.Report_status_id = 2

    - Nate
