• Lynn Pettis (9/18/2012)

    Have you tried this on the new server?

    SELECT @sMysql = 'bcp "SELECT sOutput FROM MYDATABASE.dbo.VPOSITIVEPAY" queryout ' + @sFilePath + @sFileName + ' -T -c'

    Yes. When I first tried to run the code from the job step It was structured so that only the Database name and schema.view where used (no servername mentioend). I just realized I forgot to mention that the new SQL Server (SQLSVR04) is a named instance (SQLSVR04\SS2005) where as the old DB server was a default instance. I don't know if that makes a difference for this error but when I tested this I diud use the ServerName\Named Instance reference as shown below and it works when I run it from SQLSVR07 connecting to the DB on SQLSVR04\SS2005:

    SELECT @sMysql = 'bcp "SELECT sOutput FROM [SQLSVR04\SS2005].MYDATABASE.dbo.VPOSITIVEPAY" queryout ' + @sFilePath + @sFileName + ' -T -c'

    Kindest Regards,

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