• eh.shams (9/17/2012)

    source table is like this one :

    Customer Code|cslAccumulationInvoiceItmId|cslAccumulationInvoiceRef|cslDeliveryNoteRef|cslProductRef|Amount|RateCurrencyRate|price beforePriceInBaseCurrency|Deliver No|Date-Reci

    4005604666346644285322121.54504807110873542.7810873542.78171691/10/2012 00:00

    4005604665946644284882122.86504807111539888.0211539888.02171461/10/2012 00:00

    4005603641436413192044717.6651923019169601.89169601.81095611/30/2011 00:00

    4005603530535304181764724.12519230112523827.612523827.61036111/27/2011 00:00

    4005609649096488846394722.2656800011264368012643680270828/8/2012 00:00

    4005603531235304184654722.7519230111786521117865211054911/28/2011 00:00


    on the destination i have same table , with only add status (bit) column.

    i want to reade from destination and if the status is false , send a message to customer, every 5 minute for example.

    on server i have MSSQL SERVER 2008 SP1,

    sql agent is ready to .

    As mentioned by Kraig

    What columns/data do you ahve to detect what are new rows?

    Based on that you can have UPINSERT script and schedule it as per your need.

    To post your question use below link
