Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Find records which are within the depth range of other records RE: Find records which are within the depth range of other records

  • oliver.morris (9/17/2012)

    I changed the code to this to sort that change. Is there any problem with this?

    -- identify rows with/without overlaps

    ;WITH SplitData AS (

    SELECT a.*,

    Parent = CASE WHEN EXISTS (

    SELECT 1

    FROM TEMP1 b

    WHERE b.well_id = a.well_id

    AND ((b.Top1 > a.Top1 AND b.Top1 < a.Base1) OR (b.Base1 > a.Top1 AND b.Base1 < a.Base1))

    AND NOT (b.Top1 = a.Top1 or b.Base1 = a.Base1)

    ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    FROM TEMP1 a


    -- sequence the rows for each well_id, partitioned by whether or not there's an overlap

    SequencedData AS (

    SELECT *,

    seq = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.well_id, a.parent ORDER BY a.Top1, a.Base1)

    FROM SplitData a


    rCTE AS (

    SELECT -- anchor: no subsequent overlaps, or first in a sequence

    level = 1, seq, Parent,

    well_id, Top1, BASE1, comment,

    Newcomment = CAST(ISNULL(comment,'') AS VARCHAR(100)),

    NewTop1 = Top1,

    NewBase1 = BASE1

    FROM SequencedData

    WHERE seq = 1



    level = lr.level + 1, tr.seq, tr.Parent,

    tr.well_id, tr.Top1, tr.BASE1, tr.comment,

    Newcomment = CAST(lr.Newcomment + ISNULL(tr.comment,'') AS VARCHAR(100)),

    NewTop1 = CASE WHEN lr.NewTop1 < tr.Top1 THEN lr.NewTop1 ELSE tr.Top1 END,

    NewBase1 = CASE WHEN lr.NewBase1 > tr.BASE1 THEN lr.NewBase1 ELSE tr.BASE1 END

    FROM SequencedData tr


    ON lr.well_id = tr.well_id AND tr.seq > lr.seq

    AND (tr.Top1 BETWEEN lr.Top1 AND lr.Base1 OR tr.Base1 BETWEEN lr.Top1 AND lr.Base1)


    SELECT well_id, NewTop1, NewBase1, Newcomment

    FROM (

    SELECT *, Maxlevel = MAX(level) OVER(PARTITION BY well_id)


    ) d

    WHERE Parent = 0

    OR level = Maxlevel

    ORDER BY well_id, level

    Many Thanks

    Hi Oliver

    It looks ok to me and works in the way you anticipate on the small sample data set you've provided. Test it thoroughly against a more substantial data set - which only you have - before committing it to production.

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