• aaron.reese (9/14/2012)

    do you mean global ##temptables

    These persist between stored procedures until the session is ended or the connection is dropped.

    you can fill a ##temptable in one procedure and access the data in another, but it is generally not good practice.

    That is not exactly correct...

    First of all, it can be done even with local #temptable. If you create this table in one proc you can use it in a subsequent "chained" proc. Try this:

    create proc p1



    create table #tP (a int)

    exec p2

    select * from #tP



    create proc p2



    insert #tP select 11111



    exec p1


    The second thing about global ##temptables is they are not only accessible by the "chained" proc executed within the one which creates a global temp table, but also it can be accessed by any query in other connection until the connection, which used to create this global temptable is closed or any other process dropped it.

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