• Thanks for the suggestion, GSquared. I didn't know about the tablediff utility.

    You can compare the jobs that exist on two servers using a command like like this:

    tablediff -strict -f sysjobssync.sql -sourceserver DEV -sourcedatabase msdb -sourceschema dbo -sourcetable sysjobs -destinationserver PROD -destinationdatabase msdb -destinationschema dbo -destinationtable sysjobs

    This would generate a script to syncronize the contents of sysjobs on PROD with the contents of sysjobs on DEV. You would have to do this for all the other job tables in msdb to fully deploy the jobs.

    Theoretically you could use this to syncronize the job server states between two different instances of msdb, but Microsoft discourages direct modification of the system tables there.

    I think that is why SQL Data Compare does not give you the option.

    This tool would not help with generating a job creation script that called the recommended stored procedures, so I can't really use this for version control.

    I think I will stick with the PowerShell SMO solution. But thanks again!