Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) [Help Needed] Looking for a solution for this case RE: [Help Needed] Looking for a solution for this case

  • shani19831 (9/11/2012)

    Hi there,

    The image you posted is not opopeningp dude.


    The image does show when you access the link. Interesting problem but it won't be easy to come up with a general solution for n levels. However I can give you a start by solving only the 4 levels shown.

    First though, when posting on this forum you really do need to try to give us some DDL and sample data in consumable form as follows:


    (node VARCHAR(10), parent VARCHAR(10), value INT)


    SELECT 'lv3a', 'lv2a', 15

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv3b', 'lv2a', 4

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv3c', 'lv2b', 0

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv3d', 'lv2c', 10

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv3e', 'lv2d', 2

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv3f', 'lv2d', 15

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv2a', 'lv1a', 3

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv2b', 'lv1a', 5

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv2c', 'lv1a', 7

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv2d', 'lv1b', 30

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv1a', 'root', 30

    UNION ALL SELECT 'lv1b', 'root', 10

    UNION ALL SELECT 'root', NULL, 100

    Since, as I said the problem looked mighty interesting, I decided to take care of this for you, so I could try to come up with what follows:

    ;WITH rCTE AS (

    SELECT lvl=1, node, parent, value

    FROM @t

    WHERE parent IS NULL


    SELECT lvl+1, a.node, a.parent, a.value

    FROM @t a

    INNER JOIN rCTE b ON b.node = a.parent


    SumsLvl4 AS (

    SELECT parent, value=SUM(value)


    WHERE lvl = 4

    GROUP BY parent


    SumsLvl3 AS (

    SELECT a.parent, value=ABS(a.value - b.value)

    FROM rCTE a

    INNER JOIN SumsLvl4 b ON a.node = b.parent


    SumsLvl2 AS (

    SELECT a.parent,value=ABS(a.value - b.value)

    FROM rCTE a


    SELECT parent, value=SUM(value)

    FROM SumsLvl3

    GROUP BY parent

    ) b ON a.node = b.parent


    SELECT a.parent,value=a.value - b.value

    FROM rCTE a


    SELECT parent, value=SUM(value)

    FROM SumsLvl2

    GROUP BY parent

    ) b ON a.node = b.parent

    The next thing you'll say is that you want to see all the intermediate results and/or handle more than 4 levels, at which point I'll probably have to say ... best of luck to you mate!

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
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