Create a query that function as Vlook up in Excel

  • Hi guys,

    I'm working on this query and the table looks like this

    Item id status sub_item_id

    10001 NNU no_sub

    10002 Overstock no_sub

    10003 Dead 10001

    10004 Dead no_sub

    10005 NNU 10004

    I want to create one more column as status that basically need to match with the item id because the sub_item_id is also the item id. I want the table look like this

    Item id status sub_item_id sub_status

    10001 NNU no_sub no_status

    10002 Overstock no_sub no_status

    10003 Dead 10001 NNU

    10004 Dead no_sub no_status

    10005 NNU 10004 Dead

    So any item_id that has sub_item_id then that sub_item_id's status has to match exactly with the status come from the first two column. I basically create sub_item_id from CASE WHEN function and think will do the same with the sub_status but it give me wrong data my query is very long I can not cut and paste to this post for you guys to see it clear but if you guys know how to create a sub_status like a Vlookup function of the first two columns of the table in excel, please let me know. I read some stuffs online about using Inner join but I don't think it works in my case as I tried. I also tried to put my query for you guys to see how I made it, but I know this is a long and complicated query so let me know what you guys think .

    DECLARE @current_year_and_period INT;

    DECLARE @prev_3_months_year_and_period INT;

    DECLARE @prev_6_months_year_and_period INT;

    DECLARE @prev_9_months_year_and_period INT;

    DECLARE @prev_12_months_year_and_period INT;

    DECLARE @prev_24_months_year_and_period INT;

    SET @current_year_and_period = CAST(LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(8), DATEADD(MM, 0, getdate()),112), 6) AS INT);

    SET @prev_3_months_year_and_period = CAST(LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(8), DATEADD(MM, -3, getdate()),112),6) AS INT);

    SET @prev_6_months_year_and_period = CAST(LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(8), DATEADD(MM, -6, getdate()),112),6) AS INT);

    SET @prev_9_months_year_and_period = CAST(LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(8), DATEADD(MM, -9, getdate()),112),6) AS INT);

    SET @prev_12_months_year_and_period = CAST(LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(8), DATEADD(MM, -12, getdate()),112),6) AS INT);

    SET @prev_24_months_year_and_period = CAST(LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(8), DATEADD(MM, -24, getdate()),112),6) AS INT);



    ,CASE WHEN inv.subsitute <> 'no_sub' AND sub.sub_item_id = inv.item_id THEN inv.status ELSE 'no_status' END sub_status ( this is where I tried to create sub_status but not correct)



    Select DISTINCT



    WHEN sub.inv_mast_uid = inventory_project.inv_mast_uid

    Then sub.sub_item_id

    Else 'no_sub'

    END as subsitute





















    ,class_description as equipment_flag



    WHEN date_created >= DATEADD(MM, -3, GETDATE()) AND previous_3_month_useage = 0

    OR previous_24_month_useage <=0 AND last_purchase_date >= @prev_3_months_year_and_period

    THEN 'F Fresh No Usage'

    WHEN previous_24_month_useage <= 0

    THEN 'E Really Dead (24)'

    WHEN previous_12_month_useage <= 0

    THEN 'D Dead (12)'

    WHEN (qty_on_hand > previous_3_month_useage) and (qty_on_hand <= previous_12_month_useage)

    THEN 'B Overstock (3-12)'

    WHEN qty_on_hand <= previous_3_month_useage

    THEN 'A Good (QOH less than 3)'

    ELSE 'C Surplus (QOH > 12)'

    END AS [status]


    WHEN date_created >= DATEADD(MM, -3, GETDATE()) AND previous_3_month_useage = 0

    OR previous_24_month_useage <=0 AND last_purchase_date >= @prev_3_months_year_and_period

    THEN 0

    WHEN previous_24_month_useage = 0

    THEN 730

    WHEN previous_12_month_useage = 0

    THEN 365

    ELSE CAST(ROUND(((qty_on_hand * 365) / previous_12_month_useage),2) AS DECIMAl (38,2))

    END AS [DIO]


    WHEN previous_12_month_useage = 0

    THEN 0

    WHEN moving_average_cost= 0

    THEN 0

    WHEN extended_value = 0

    THEN 0

    ELSE CAST(ROUND( ((previous_12_month_useage * moving_average_cost )/extended_value ),2) AS DECIMAL (38,2))

    END AS [Turn]












    ,((inv_value.[qty_on_hand]- inv_loc.qty_allocated)) AS 'total_available'


    ,(((inv_value.qty_on_hand - inv_value.special_layer_qty) * inv_value.[cost]) + inv_value.special_layer_value) AS extended_value

    ,CAST(ROUND(inv_loc.qty_allocated * inv_loc.moving_average_cost,2)AS DECIMAL (38,2)) AS allocated_value




    WHEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].year_and_period BETWEEN @prev_3_months_year_and_period AND @current_year_and_period

    THEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].actual_usage

    ELSE CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(19, 9))


    ) AS previous_3_month_useage




    WHEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].year_and_period BETWEEN @prev_6_months_year_and_period AND @current_year_and_period

    THEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].actual_usage

    ELSE CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(19, 9))


    ) AS previous_6_month_useage




    WHEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].year_and_period BETWEEN @prev_9_months_year_and_period AND @current_year_and_period

    THEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].actual_usage

    ELSE CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(19, 9))


    ) AS previous_9_month_useage




    WHEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].year_and_period BETWEEN @prev_12_months_year_and_period AND @current_year_and_period

    THEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].actual_usage

    ELSE CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(19, 9))


    ) AS previous_12_month_useage




    WHEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].year_and_period BETWEEN @prev_24_months_year_and_period AND @current_year_and_period

    THEN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].actual_usage

    ELSE CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(19, 9))


    ) AS previous_24_month_useage

    , AS supplier_name











    ,CAST( LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR (8),(inv_loc.period_first_stocked+(inv_loc.year_first_stocked*100)),120),6) AS INT) AS first_stocked

    ,@current_year_and_period AS current_year_and_period

    ,@prev_3_months_year_and_period AS prev_3_months_year_and_period

    FROM p21_view_inventory_value_report AS inv_value

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_inv_loc AS inv_loc ON (inv_loc.inv_mast_uid = inv_value.inv_mast_uid) AND (inv_loc.location_id = inv_value.location_id)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [p21_inventory_usage_all_view] ON (inv_value.inv_mast_uid = [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].inv_mast_uid AND

    inv_value.location_id = [p21_inventory_usage_all_view].location_id)

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_inv_mast ON inv_value.inv_mast_uid = p21_view_inv_mast.inv_mast_uid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_address ON inv_value.primary_supplier_id =

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_class AS class ON p21_view_inv_mast.class_id3 = class.class_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_inv_sub ON p21_view_inv_sub.inv_mast_uid = inv_value.inv_mast_uid











    ,(((inv_value.[qty_on_hand] - inv_value.special_layer_qty) * inv_value.[cost]) + inv_value.special_layer_value )

    ,inv_loc.qty_allocated * inv_loc.moving_average_cost













    ) AS inv_history

    ) AS inventory_project

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_inv_sub sub ON inventory_project.inv_mast_uid = sub.inv_mast_uid

    ) inv

    LEFT OUTER JOIN p21_view_inv_sub sub ON inv.inv_mast_uid = sub.inv_mast_uid

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