• Evil Kraig F (9/4/2012)

    For warehouses, particulary for cubes, you need to start with 'what questions do I want to ask of the data?' This will help inform you of what are facts and what are dimensions. Incredibly short form: Facts can answer questions, Dimensions will describe facts.

    In this case, it looks like you want to ask questions about the projects, so think of that as your fact table, and decide what questions you want to be able to ask of it, and then hang your dimensions off the resulting fact table.

    In all honesty none of the OLTP tables/data you are describing really translates into a Fact table as it stands. Agree with EKF - what are your questions? What do you want your reports to tell you?

    Your fact table(s) generally represent the 'transactional' element of your system. So, for example, if I rent cars, my dimensions might be my cars, customers, rental stations (and never forgetting date) but the transactional element is the process; the actual renting of the car. So my fact table would bring together a customer, a car, a rental station and a date together with the relevant bits of data (the 'measures') like the cost and the duration of the rental.

    The Dimensions are the objects and the Facts are the processes.

    There are some great free resources on the Kimball website that may help you get moving http://www.kimballgroup.com/data-warehouse-and-business-intelligence-resources/kimball-core-concepts/[/url]