• no, if you grant xp_cmdshell permissions, you cannot restrict the commands that they might use when they construct the strings.

    typically what you want to do instead is

    1. Remove access to xp_cmdshell.

    2. determine what it is they wanted to do via xp_xmdshell, and create CLR methods or restricted procedures which call xp_cmdshell on their behalf.

    so if they did 4 certain things via xp_cmdshell, create four alternatives for them to use instead.

    in that way, you can remove permissions to xp_cmdshell to everyone, except say a superuser that noone has the password for, with a disabled login.

    then you can use WITH EXECUTE AS to give elevated permissions to just the code within a proc.

    --first we need a sysadmin role with no login, which will be used

    --for execution context in the DDL triggers or special elevated permissions functions.

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'superman' AND type = 'S') --'S' = SQL login


    --create our super user

    CREATE LOGIN [superman]

    WITH PASSWORD=N'NotTheRealPassword',




    --make our special user a sysadmin

    EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'superman', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

    --noone will ever login with this, it's used for EXECUTE AS, so disable the login.

    ALTER LOGIN [superman] DISABLE



    USE [SandBox];


    CREATE USER [superman] FOR LOGIN [superman];


    USE [SandBox];


    --the EXECUTE AS must be a user in the database...not a login

    CREATE procedure pr_CallBoostedSecurityProcess

    WITH EXECUTE AS 'superman'



    --do elevated stiff like xp_cmdshell

    dbcc freeproccache



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