• I have been in IT for nearly 20 years and a DBA for 14 of them and I can tell you something for certain and that is we are a twisted bunch. When it comes to interviews we all put on a mask and typically act nothing like who we really are. If there is some prude in the group they tend to get pushed out because we reject that the 1 of 100 makes the rules for the other 99. We had one lady doing QA who thought every last one of us were animals. Well, she doesn't work here any longer but the rest of us do. There are certain words that should be off limits in the office like the one that starts with C but many others are fine and to me, it is about context.

    Don't talk like this, don't dress like that, don't write code the way you do and don't put too much sugar in your coffee unless you want the world to reject you. There are a lot more of us less than perfect people in the world than the perfect so, the perfect will have to get used to dealing with us because we out number them and we aren't going anywhere.
