• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/27/2012)

    djackson 22568 (8/27/2012)

    Companies used to have/show loyalty to employees. As a result, employees were loyal in return. For a very long time companies have thrown loyalty out the window but still want it in return. Sorry, life doesn't work that way. Work is a partnership. If you treat employees fairly they will treat you fairly. Since companies no longer do that, they are reaping the "benefits". Sure, there are some companies that do things right, as there are employees that won't do the right thing no matter what. Unfortunately history has shown that companies tend to take advantage of down times to cut costs (lower salaries and benefits!) and they don't return things to where they were afterwards unless you are in the C-Suite!


    Yep, for sure.

    That said, SOME of the points they make have a basis in reality. How long before all companies start to suffer consequences as people listen to what OWS says, given the media's propensity to accept any liberal idea as fact regardless of a lack of proof? If they try to fix things on their own first, maybe they can eliminate issues. I remember a story of a development company during the last down turn that refused to cut from the workers, and thus when things turned around, they saw almost no turn over. Their competitors were gutted!

    Don't want to politicize this. But I agree. Some of OWS stuff makes sense. We've gotten to the point where we are tipping a little too far towards the executives taking advantage of workers, especially in IT. Some companies are paying the price for their actions, some are doing much better by acting in a partnership with employees.

    I agree with you. Where I disagree with OWS (I think I used the wrong letters before?) is in their blaming the bankers for our financial crisis. Yes, they contributed, especially the idiot in charge of the Fed with his quantitative easing BS. However a larger portion of blame goes to the governments across the world. Greece, Spain and other countries are leading the fall. The US is right behind them. We have added almost $6 trillion dollars in debt in less than 4 years! We have built a house of cards on a fault line, we shouldn't be surprised when it comes crashing down. But back to my point about the media, they refuse to print the truth, wanting instead to only print that which they think will increase their profits. Our politicians in the US do what they think will keep them in power. Corporate America has bought our politicians, and uses their control over government to prevent passage of any protections for the American worker, both from companies and foreign workers brought over and taken advantage of by the same companies that are screwing our citizens. As negative as this paragraph is, there are a lot of ethical business people, and blaming all of them isn't right. I don't know the percentage of businessmen and women that are unethical and disloyal, but it isn't all of them.

    We need to find a way to fix the ills of our society without detroying the good things we have built. OWS is in favor os socialism and against capitalism, and socialism has proven to be a failure.
