• Hi Kyle,

    at the end of your article you state : "There is not an equivalent to Truncate in T-SQL"

    Maybe I missed something but what's wrong with the round function (with the third argument <> 0)?

    try :

    declare @t1 decimal

    set @t1 = 23456

    select 'using round(?,0) ', round((@t1 / 100),0) as [23456/100], round((-@t1 / 100),0,0) as [-23456/100]

    union all

    select 'using round(?,0,1)', round((@t1 / 100),0,1)as [23456/100], round((-@t1 / 100),0,1)as [-23456/100]

    union all

    select 'using floor ', floor((@t1 / 100))as [23456/100], floor((-@t1 / 100))as [-23456/100]

    Did I miss something?
