• I think this will do it:

    -- Data (corrected column names):

    if object_id('tempdb..#Position') is not null drop table #Position;

    create table #Position


    PosId Int,

    ReportTo Int,

    EmpId Int,

    IsVacant Int,

    LevelNo Int


    insert into #Position values (1, 0, 123, 0, 0);

    insert into #Position values (2, 1, 124, 0, 1);

    insert into #Position values (3, 1, 125, 0, 1);

    insert into #Position values (4, 2, 126, 0, 2);

    insert into #Position values (5, 2, Null, 1, 2);

    insert into #Position values (6, 2, 128, 0, 2);

    insert into #Position values (7, 5, 129, 0, 3);

    insert into #Position values (8, 5, 130, 0, 3);

    select * from #Position;

    -- Query:



    SELECT RootID = PosId,

    PosId, EmpId

    FROM #Position


    SELECT cte.RootID, d.PosId, d.EmpId

    FROM PCCET cte

    INNER JOIN #Position d ON d.ReportTo = cte.PosId


    --select * from PCCET order by rootid

    select P.PosId,

    ISNULL(cnt.Children, 0) as PCnt

    from #Position P


    SELECT posid = RootID, Children = COUNT(*)


    WHERE EmpId is not null

    AND RootId <> PosId


    ) cnt ON cnt.posid = p.PosId

    My results are different to yours - 2 has 4 occupied positions: 4, 6, 7 & 8 with 5 unoccupied.

    I added the EmpId into the CTE, then ignored records where EmpId is NULL.

    I excluded the manager by ignoring RootId = PosId instead of subtracting 1 from the count. This avoids the problem of the unoccupied manager job 5.

    The LEFT JOIN instead of inner join keeps all the managers in the output.

    By the way - if you provide proper data definitions you will be more likely to get help, as many people don't have the time to write it themselves...:-D