• Read, read, read: books online, a web page or blog...

    Practice, practice, practice...

    Microsoft E-learning, plenty of free stuff there. Go to products > SQL Server. There's tons of free stuff (intro to 2008, What's new in 2012, BI Blah-blah...)

    Install SQL Server Express, it's free (on a computer you don't care about while you're learning). Play around with adventure works. Make a new DB. Back it up, export a table, create a view, etc..

    Want a real headstart?!?! - Begin a code library. This really helped me - you get some practice and can use it... Start with TSQL, make some notes, etc..

    -- string functions


    DECLARE @STR varchar(50) = 'xyz '


    -- LEN (length)

    SELECT LEN(@str)


    SELECT LEN(NULL) .....

    -- aggregate functions

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.databases


    --useful system views

    SElECT TOP 10 * FROM sys.all_views

    SELECT TOP 10 * FROM sys.syslogins ...

    ... next go do one with MDX or whatever...

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001