• Turns out, "relation" = "table". Had to get a computer science book from the 70s, when the concept was new, in order to get that definition in plain English. Otherwise, it was all circular definitions, and very unclear. (Don't believe me that "relation"="table"? Check definition 2 here: http://foldoc.org/relation.)

    I was actually dissed openly at work a time or two by people who saw themselves as my superior when I insisted that a relational database can have only one table.

    Back on subject though, I identfied two possible career paths based on my favorite skills: I was either going to become a chef or go into IT. I chose the IT route because it would be easier to find a solid job with benefits. And within IT, I became a sql developer (not a dba) because it's fun! I have control, I am the man with the answers to the questions about what you have within your data!!!

    And thanks to you folks who contribute to SSC, I'm getting better all the time 😀