• Yes, I've got workbench setup for server administration and development. Connecting fine added my user and granted permissions to it for the SQL server IP there which I used to create my ODBC connection on the MSSQL server which also tests successfully.

    I read something suggesting PREFETCH having a bug or something, so I tried:

    DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};SERVER=myservername;PORT=4309;DATABASE=mydatabasename; PREFETCH=0

    Didn't seem to help.

    Also tried executing this below. Catch never happens, test just spins and spins. Then like I mention, after a few hours of waiting for completion and giving up, I try to kill the SPID and it just sits in a running task state with command "KILLED/ROLLBACK"

    begin try

    exec sp_testlinkedserver N'linkedServerName'

    end try

    begin catch

    select error_number() as errornumber

    ,error_severity() as errorseverity

    ,error_state() as errorstate

    ,error_line() as errorline

    ,error_message() as errormessage

    end catch