Health Check script for sql server 2005

  • Hi Experts,

    need a small help as i want to do health check on my sql server 2005, i was wondering is there any script so that i can run and check the health of the server.

    Please let me know if any script is there.

    Thank you in advance

  • There isn't a catch-all script, this is something you would normally manage yourself. I use a collection of scripts, some of which I wrote, some I didn't - automatic monitoring, morning / afternoon check schedules, and many other different methods. Try writing out a list of priorities - what do you actually want to know about your database server / SQL Server instance / databases? What problems have they had in the past?

    Management and administration of the 'health' of the databases is basically a broad description of the job of the DBA anyway, there really isn't one script to rule them all.


    Note to developers:
    So why complicate your code AND MAKE MY JOB HARDER??!:crazy:

    Want to get the best help? Click here (Jeff Moden)
    My blog:
    Visit to find out more about me.

  • All credits are in the comments:

    USE master ;


    IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.sp_Blitz') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROC dbo.sp_Blitz ;


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Blitz

    @CheckUserDatabaseObjects TINYINT = 1,

    @CheckProcedureCache TINYINT = 0




    sp_Blitz v5 - December 18, 2011

    (C) 2011, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC

    To learn more, visit where you can download

    new versions for free, watch training videos on how it works, get more info on

    the findings, and more.

    Known limitations of this version:

    - No support for offline databases. If you can't query some of your databases,

    this script will fail. That's fairly high on our list of things to improve

    since we like mirroring too.

    - SQL Server 2000 not quite supported (yet, but we're coding it in).

    Unknown limitations of this version:

    - None. (If we knew them, they'd be known. Duh.)

    Changes in v5 Dec 18 2011:

    - John Miner suggested tweaking checkid 48 and 56, the untrusted constraints

    and keys, to look for is_not_for_replication = 0 too. This filters out

    constraints/keys that are only used for replication and don't need to

    be trusted.

    - Ned Otter caught a bug in the URL for check 7, startup stored procs.

    - Scott (Anon) recommended using SUSER_SNAME(0x01) instead of 'sa' when

    checking for job ownership, database ownership, etc.

    - Martin Schmidt caught a bug in checkid 1 and

    contributed code to catch databases that had never been backed up.

    - Added parameter for @CheckProcedureCache. When set to 0, we skip the checks

    that are typically the slowest on servers with lots of memory. I'm

    defaulting this to 0 so more users can get results back faster.

    Changes in v4 Nov 1 2011:

    - Andreas Schubert caught a typo in the explanations for checks 15-17.

    - K. Brian Kelley @kbriankelley added checkid 57 for SQL Agent jobs set to

    start automatically on startup.

    - Added parameter for @CheckUserDatabaseObjects. When set to 0, we skip the

    checks that are typically the slowest on large servers, the user

    database schema checks for things like triggers, hypothetical

    indexes, untrusted constraints, etc.

    Changes in v3 Oct 16 2011:

    - David Tolbert caught a bug in checkid 2. If some backups had failed or

    been aborted, we raised a false alarm about no transaction log backups.

    - Fixed more bugs in checking for SQL Server 2005. (I need more 2005 VMs!)

    Changes in v2 Oct 14 2011:

    - Ali Razeghi added checkid 55 looking for

    databases owned by <> SA.

    - Fixed bugs in checking for SQL Server 2005 (leading % signs)

    Explanation of priority levels:

    1 - Critical risk of data loss. Fix this ASAP.

    10 - Security risk.

    20 - Security risk due to unusual configuration, but requires more research.

    50 - Reliability risk.

    60 - Reliability risk due to unusual configuration, but requires more research.

    100 - Performance risk.

    110 - Performance risk due to unusual configuration, but requires more research.

    200 - Informational.


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#BlitzResults') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #BlitzResults ;

    CREATE TABLE #BlitzResults


    ID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,

    CheckID INT ,

    Priority TINYINT ,

    FindingsGroup VARCHAR(50) ,

    Finding VARCHAR(200) ,

    URL VARCHAR(200) ,

    Details NVARCHAR(4000)

    ) ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ConfigurationDefaults') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #ConfigurationDefaults ;

    CREATE TABLE #ConfigurationDefaults


    name NVARCHAR(128) ,

    DefaultValue BIGINT

    ) ;

    DECLARE @VersionNumber VARCHAR(10) ,

    @StringToExecute NVARCHAR(4000) ;

    SET @VersionNumber = '1' ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 1 AS CheckID ,

    1 AS Priority ,

    'Backup' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Backups Not Performed Recently' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'Database ' + d.Name + ' last backed up: '

    + CAST(COALESCE(MAX(b.backup_finish_date), ' never ') AS VARCHAR(200)) AS Details

    FROM master.sys.databases d

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset b ON = b.database_name

    AND b.type = 'D'

    WHERE d.database_id NOT IN ( 2, 3 ) /* Bonus points if you know what that means */


    HAVING MAX(b.backup_finish_date) <= DATEADD(dd, -7, GETDATE()) ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 1 AS CheckID ,

    1 AS Priority ,

    'Backup' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Backups Not Performed Recently' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ('Database ' + d.Name + ' never backed up.') AS Details

    FROM master.sys.databases d

    WHERE d.database_id NOT IN ( 2, 3 ) /* Bonus points if you know what that means */

    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b WHERE = b.database_name AND b.type = 'D')

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 2 AS CheckID ,

    1 AS Priority ,

    'Backup' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Full Recovery Mode w/o Log Backups' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database ' + d.Name + ' is in ' + d.recovery_model_desc

    + ' recovery mode but has not had a log backup in the last week.' ) AS Details

    FROM master.sys.databases d

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset b ON = b.database_name

    AND b.type = 'L'

    AND b.backup_finish_date <= DATEADD(dd,

    -7, GETDATE())

    WHERE d.recovery_model IN ( 1, 2 )

    AND b.type IS NULL

    AND b.backup_finish_date IS NOT NULL

    AND d.database_id NOT IN ( 2, 3 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    3 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Backup' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'MSDB Backup History Not Purged' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database backup history retained back to '

    + CAST(bs.backup_start_date AS VARCHAR(20)) ) AS Details

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset bs

    WHERE bs.backup_start_date <= DATEADD(dd, -60, GETDATE())

    ORDER BY backup_set_id ASC ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 4 AS CheckID ,

    10 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Sysadmins' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Login [' +

    + '] is a sysadmin - meaning they can do absolutely anything in SQL Server, including dropping databases or hiding their tracks.' ) AS Details

    FROM master.sys.syslogins l

    WHERE l.sysadmin = 1

    AND <> SUSER_SNAME(0x01)

    AND l.denylogin = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 5 AS CheckID ,

    10 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Security Admins' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Login [' +

    + '] is a security admin - meaning they can give themselves permission to do absolutely anything in SQL Server, including dropping databases or hiding their tracks.' ) AS Details

    FROM master.sys.syslogins l

    WHERE l.securityadmin = 1

    AND <> SUSER_SNAME(0x01)

    AND l.denylogin = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 6 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Jobs Owned By Users' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Job [' + + '] is owned by [' +

    + '] - meaning if their login is disabled or not available due to Active Directory problems, the job will stop working.' ) AS Details

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs j

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.syslogins sl ON j.owner_sid = sl.sid

    WHERE j.enabled = 1

    AND <> SUSER_SNAME(0x01) ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 7 AS CheckID ,

    10 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Stored Procedure Runs at Startup' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Stored procedure [master].[' + r.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA

    + '].[' + r.SPECIFIC_NAME

    + '] runs automatically when SQL Server starts up. Make sure you know exactly what this stored procedure is doing, because it could pose a security risk.' ) AS Details



    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 8 AS CheckID, 150 AS Priority, ''Security'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Server Audits Running'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''SQL Server built-in audit functionality is being used by server audit: '' + [name]) AS Details FROM sys.dm_server_audit_status'


    END ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 9 AS CheckID, 200 AS Priority, ''Surface Area'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Endpoints Configured'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''SQL Server endpoints are configured. These can be used for database mirroring or Service Broker, but if you do not need them, avoid leaving them enabled. Endpoint name: '' + [name]) AS Details FROM sys.endpoints WHERE type <> 2'


    END ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 10 AS CheckID, 100 AS Priority, ''Performance'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Resource Governor Enabled'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''Resource Governor is enabled. Queries may be throttled. Make sure you understand how the Classifier Function is configured.'') AS Details FROM sys.resource_governor_configuration WHERE is_enabled = 1'


    END ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 11 AS CheckID, 100 AS Priority, ''Performance'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Server Triggers Enabled'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''Server Trigger ['' + [name] ++ ''] is enabled, so it runs every time someone logs in. Make sure you understand what that trigger is doing - the less work it does, the better.'') AS Details FROM sys.server_triggers WHERE is_disabled = 0 AND is_ms_shipped = 0'


    END ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 12 AS CheckID ,

    10 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Auto-Close Enabled' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has auto-close enabled. This setting can dramatically decrease performance.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_auto_close_on = 1 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 12 AS CheckID ,

    10 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Auto-Shrink Enabled' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has auto-shrink enabled. This setting can dramatically decrease performance.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_auto_shrink_on = 1 ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT TOP 1 13 AS CheckID, 110 AS Priority, ''Performance'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Plan Guides Enabled'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''Query plan guides have been set up so that a query will always get a specific execution plan. If you are having trouble getting query performance to improve, it might be due to a frozen plan. Review the DMV sys.plan_guides to learn more about the plan guides in place on this server.'') AS Details FROM sys.plan_guides WHERE is_disabled = 0'


    END ;

    IF @@VERSION LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 14 AS CheckID, 50 AS Priority, ''Reliability'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Page Verification Not Optimal'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''Database ['' + [name] + ''] has '' + [page_verify_option_desc] + '' for page verification. SQL Server may have a harder time recognizing and recovering from storage corruption. Consider using CHECKSUM instead.'') AS Details FROM sys.databases WHERE page_verify_option < 1'


    END ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 14 AS CheckID, 50 AS Priority, ''Reliability'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Page Verification Not Optimal'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''Database ['' + [name] + ''] has '' + [page_verify_option_desc] + '' for page verification. SQL Server may have a harder time recognizing and recovering from storage corruption. Consider using CHECKSUM instead.'') AS Details FROM sys.databases WHERE page_verify_option < 2'


    END ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 15 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Auto-Create Stats Disabled' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has auto-create-stats disabled. SQL Server uses statistics to build better execution plans, and without the ability to automatically create more, performance may suffer.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_auto_create_stats_on = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 16 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Auto-Update Stats Disabled' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has auto-update-stats disabled. SQL Server uses statistics to build better execution plans, and without the ability to automatically update them, performance may suffer.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_auto_update_stats_on = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 17 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Stats Updated Asynchronously' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has auto-update-stats-async disabled. When SQL Server gets a query for a table with out-of-date statistics, it will run the query with the stats it has - while updating stats to make later queries better. The initial run of the query may suffer, though.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_auto_update_stats_async_on = 1 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 18 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Forced Parameterization On' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has forced parameterization enabled. SQL Server will aggressively reuse query execution plans even if the applications do not parameterize their queries. This can be a performance booster with some programming languages, or it may use universally bad execution plans when better alternatives are available for certain parameters.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_parameterization_forced = 1 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 19 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Informational' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Replication In Use' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] is a replication publisher, subscriber, or distributor.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_published = 1

    OR is_subscribed = 1

    OR is_merge_published = 1

    OR is_distributor = 1 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 20 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Informational' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Date Correlation On' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database [' + [name]

    + '] has date correlation enabled. This is not a default setting, and it has some performance overhead. It tells SQL Server that date fields in two tables are related, and SQL Server maintains statistics showing that relation.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE is_date_correlation_on = 1 ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 21 AS CheckID, 20 AS Priority, ''Encryption'' AS FindingsGroup, ''Database Encrypted'' AS Finding,

    '''' AS URL,

    (''Database ['' + [name] + ''] has Transparent Data Encryption enabled. Make absolutely sure you have backed up the certificate and private key, or else you will not be able to restore this database.'') AS Details FROM sys.databases WHERE is_encrypted = 1'


    END ;

    /* Compare sp_configure defaults */

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'affinity I/O mask', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'affinity mask', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'Agent XPs', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'allow updates', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'awe enabled', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'blocked process threshold', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'c2 audit mode', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'clr enabled', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'cost threshold for parallelism', 5 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'cross db ownership chaining', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'cursor threshold', -1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'Database Mail XPs', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'default full-text language', 1033 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'default language', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'default trace enabled', 1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'disallow results from triggers', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'fill factor (%);', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'ft crawl bandwidth (max);', 100 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'ft crawl bandwidth (min);', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'ft notify bandwidth (max);', 100 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'ft notify bandwidth (min);', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'index create memory (KB);', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'in-doubt xact resolution', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'lightweight pooling', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'locks', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'max degree of parallelism', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'max full-text crawl range', 4 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'max server memory (MB);', 2147483647 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'max text repl size (B);', 65536 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'max worker threads', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'media retention', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'min memory per query (KB);', 1024 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'min server memory (MB);', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'nested triggers', 1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'network packet size (B);', 4096 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'Ole Automation Procedures', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'open objects', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'PH timeout (s);', 60 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'precompute rank', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'priority boost', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'query governor cost limit', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'query wait (s);', -1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'recovery interval (min);', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'remote access', 1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'remote admin connections', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'remote login timeout (s);', 20 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'remote proc trans', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'remote query timeout (s);', 600 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'Replication XPs', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'RPC parameter data validation', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'scan for startup procs', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'server trigger recursion', 1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'set working set size', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'show advanced options', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'SMO and DMO XPs', 1 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'SQL Mail XPs', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'transform noise words', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'two digit year cutoff', 2049 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'user connections', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'user options', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'Web Assistant Procedures', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #ConfigurationDefaults

    VALUES ( 'xp_cmdshell', 0 ) ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 22 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Non-Default Server Config' AS FindingsGroup , AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'This sp_configure option has been changed. Its default value is '

    + CAST(cd.[DefaultValue] AS VARCHAR(100))

    + ' and it has been set to '

    + CAST(cr.value_in_use AS VARCHAR(100)) + '.' ) AS Details

    FROM #ConfigurationDefaults cd

    INNER JOIN sys.configurations cr ON =

    WHERE cd.DefaultValue <> cr.value_in_use ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 23 AS CheckID ,

    20 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Stored Procedure Runs Automatically' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,



    + ' is a stored procedure set to run automatically every time SQL Server starts up. Make sure you understand what it does.' ) AS Details



    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    24 AS CheckID ,

    20 AS Priority ,

    'Reliability' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'System Database on C Drive' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'The ' + DB_NAME(database_id)

    + ' database has a file on the C drive. Putting system databases on the C drive runs the risk of crashing the server when it runs out of space.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.master_files

    WHERE UPPER(LEFT(physical_name, 1)) = 'C'

    AND DB_NAME(database_id) IN ( 'master', 'model', 'msdb' ) ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    25 AS CheckID ,

    100 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'TempDB on C Drive' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'The tempdb database has files on the C drive. TempDB frequently grows unpredictably, putting your server at risk of running out of C drive space and crashing hard. C is also often much slower than other drives, so performance may be suffering.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.master_files

    WHERE UPPER(LEFT(physical_name, 1)) = 'C'

    AND DB_NAME(database_id) = 'tempdb' ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    26 AS CheckID ,

    20 AS Priority ,

    'Reliability' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'User Databases on C Drive' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'The ' + DB_NAME(database_id)

    + ' database has a file on the C drive. Putting databases on the C drive runs the risk of crashing the server when it runs out of space.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.master_files

    WHERE UPPER(LEFT(physical_name, 1)) = 'C'

    AND DB_NAME(database_id) NOT IN ( 'master', 'model',

    'msdb', 'tempdb' ) ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 27 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Informational' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Tables in the Master Database' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'The ' + name

    + ' table in the master database was created by end users on '

    + CAST(create_date AS VARCHAR(20))

    + '. Tables in the master database may not be restored in the event of a disaster.' ) AS Details

    FROM master.sys.tables

    WHERE is_ms_shipped = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 28 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Informational' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Tables in the MSDB Database' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'The ' + name

    + ' table in the msdb database was created by end users on '

    + CAST(create_date AS VARCHAR(20))

    + '. Tables in the msdb database may not be restored in the event of a disaster.' ) AS Details

    FROM msdb.sys.tables

    WHERE is_ms_shipped = 0 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 29 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Informational' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Tables in the Model Database' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'The ' + name

    + ' table in the model database was created by end users on '

    + CAST(create_date AS VARCHAR(20))

    + '. Tables in the model database are automatically copied into all new databases.' ) AS Details

    FROM model.sys.tables

    WHERE is_ms_shipped = 0 ;


    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts )

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 30 AS CheckID ,

    50 AS Priority ,

    'Reliability' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'No Alerts Configured' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'No SQL Server Agent alerts have been configured. This is a free, easy way to get notified of corruption, job failures, or major outages even before monitoring systems pick it up.' ) AS Details ;


    FROM msdb.dbo.sysoperators

    WHERE enabled = 1 )

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 31 AS CheckID ,

    50 AS Priority ,

    'Reliability' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'No Operators Configured/Enabled' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'No SQL Server Agent operators (emails) have been configured. This is a free, easy way to get notified of corruption, job failures, or major outages even before monitoring systems pick it up.' ) AS Details ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT DISTINCT 32, 110, ''Performance'', ''Triggers on Tables'', '''', (''The ? database has triggers on the '' + + ''.'' + + '' table.'') FROM [?].sys.triggers t INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON t.parent_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE t.is_ms_shipped = 0' ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT DISTINCT 33, 200, ''Licensing'', ''Enterprise Edition Features In Use'', '''', (''The ? database is using '' + feature_name + ''. If this database is restored onto a Standard Edition server, the restore will fail.'') FROM [?].sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features' ;

    END ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)


    34 AS CheckID ,

    1 AS Priority ,

    ''Corruption'' AS FindingsGroup ,

    ''Database Corruption Detected'' AS Finding ,

    '''' AS URL ,

    ( ''Database mirroring has automatically repaired at least one corrupt page in the last 30 days. For more information, query the DMV sys.dm_db_mirroring_auto_page_repair.'' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_db_mirroring_auto_page_repair

    WHERE modification_time >= DATEADD(dd, -30, GETDATE()) ;'


    END ;

    IF @CheckProcedureCache = 1


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 35 AS CheckID ,

    100 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Single-Use Plans in Procedure Cache' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,


    + ' query plans are taking up '

    + CAST(( SUM(cp.size_in_bytes * 1.0) / 1048576 ) AS VARCHAR(20))

    + ' megabytes in the procedure cache. This may be wasted memory if we cache plans for queries that never get called again. This may be a good use case for SQL Server 2008''s Optimize for Ad Hoc or for Forced Parameterization.' ) AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp

    WHERE cp.usecounts = 1

    AND qp.query_plan IS NOT NULL

    AND cp.objtype = 'Adhoc'

    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    36 AS CheckID ,

    100 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Slow Storage Reads on Drive '

    + UPPER(LEFT(mf.physical_name, 1)) AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'Reads are averaging longer than 100ms for at least one database on this drive. For specific database file speeds, run the query from the information link.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(NULL, NULL) AS fs

    INNER JOIN sys.master_files AS mf ON fs.database_id = mf.database_id

    AND fs.[file_id] = mf.[file_id]

    WHERE ( io_stall_read_ms / ( 1.0 + num_of_reads ) ) > 100 ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    37 AS CheckID ,

    100 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Slow Storage Writes on Drive '

    + UPPER(LEFT(mf.physical_name, 1)) AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'Writes are averaging longer than 20ms for at least one database on this drive. For specific database file speeds, run the query from the information link.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(NULL, NULL) AS fs

    INNER JOIN sys.master_files AS mf ON fs.database_id = mf.database_id

    AND fs.[file_id] = mf.[file_id]

    WHERE ( io_stall_write_ms / ( 1.0 + num_of_writes ) ) > 20 ;


    FROM tempdb.sys.database_files

    WHERE type_desc = 'ROWS'

    ) = 1


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    VALUES ( 40 ,

    100 ,

    'Performance' ,

    'TempDB Only Has 1 Data File' ,

    '' ,

    'TempDB is only configured with one data file. More data files are usually required to alleviate SGAM contention.'

    ) ;

    END ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT 41, 100, ''Performance'', ''Multiple Log Files on One Drive'', '''', (''The ? database has multiple log files on the '' + LEFT(physical_name, 1) + '' drive. This is not a performance booster because log file access is sequential, not parallel.'') FROM [?].sys.database_files WHERE type_desc = ''LOG'' AND ''?'' <> ''[tempdb]'' GROUP BY LEFT(physical_name, 1) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1' ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT DISTINCT 42, 100, ''Performance'', ''Uneven File Growth Settings in One Filegroup'', '''', (''The ? database has multiple data files in one filegroup, but they are not all set up to grow in identical amounts. This can lead to uneven file activity inside the filegroup.'') FROM [?].sys.database_files WHERE type_desc = ''ROWS'' GROUP BY data_space_id HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT growth) > 1 OR COUNT(DISTINCT is_percent_growth) > 1' ;


    FROM sys.traces

    WHERE is_default = 0 )


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 44 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Queries Forcing Order Hints' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    CAST(occurrence AS VARCHAR(10))

    + ' instances of order hinting have been recorded since restart. This means queries are bossing the SQL Server optimizer around, and if they don''t know what they''re doing, this can cause more harm than good. This can also explain why DBA tuning efforts aren''t working.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info

    WHERE counter = 'order hint'

    AND occurrence > 1


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 45 AS CheckID ,

    110 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Queries Forcing Join Hints' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    CAST(occurrence AS VARCHAR(10))

    + ' instances of join hinting have been recorded since restart. This means queries are bossing the SQL Server optimizer around, and if they don''t know what they''re doing, this can cause more harm than good. This can also explain why DBA tuning efforts aren''t working.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info

    WHERE counter = 'join hint'

    AND occurrence > 1

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 49 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Informational' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Linked Server Configured' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'The server [' + name

    + '] is configured as a linked server. Check its security configuration to make sure it isn''t connecting with SA or some other bone-headed administrative login, because any user who queries it might get admin-level permissions.' AS Details

    FROM sys.servers

    WHERE is_linked = 1

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 50 AS CheckID ,

    100 AS Priority ,

    ''Performance'' AS FindingsGroup ,

    ''Max Memory Set Too High'' AS Finding ,

    '''' AS URL ,

    ''SQL Server max memory is set to ''

    + CAST(c.value_in_use AS VARCHAR(20))

    + '' megabytes, but the server only has ''

    + CAST(( CAST(m.total_physical_memory_kb AS BIGINT) / 1024 ) AS VARCHAR(20))

    + '' megabytes. SQL Server may drain the system dry of memory, and under certain conditions, this can cause Windows to swap to disk.'' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_memory m

    INNER JOIN sys.configurations c ON = ''max server memory (MB)''

    WHERE CAST(m.total_physical_memory_kb AS BIGINT) < ( CAST(c.value_in_use AS BIGINT) * 1024 )'


    END ;

    IF @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2000%'

    AND @@VERSION NOT LIKE '%Microsoft SQL Server 2005%'


    SET @StringToExecute = 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults (CheckID, Priority, FindingsGroup, Finding, URL, Details)

    SELECT 51 AS CheckID ,

    1 AS Priority ,

    ''Performance'' AS FindingsGroup ,

    ''Memory Dangerously Low'' AS Finding ,

    '''' AS URL ,

    ''Only ''

    + CAST(( CAST(m.available_physical_memory_kb AS BIGINT)

    / 1024 ) AS VARCHAR(20))

    + '' megabytes, but the server only has ''

    + CAST(( CAST(m.total_physical_memory_kb AS BIGINT) / 1024 ) AS VARCHAR(20))

    + ''megabytes of memory are free. As the server runs out of memory, there is danger of swapping to disk, which will kill performance.'' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_memory m

    WHERE CAST(m.available_physical_memory_kb AS BIGINT) < 262144'


    END ;


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 52 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Performance' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Virtual Server' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'This is a virtual server running under a hypervisor. Nothing wrong with that - just letting you know.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info

    WHERE virtual_machine_type <> 0


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,




    53 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'High Availability' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Cluster Node' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'This is a node in a cluster.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes


    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 54 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Service Accounts' AS FindingsGroup ,

    servicename AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    'This service is running as [' + service_account

    + ']. This affects the server''s ability to copy files to network locations, lock pages in memory, and perform Instant File Initialization.' AS Details

    FROM sys.dm_server_services


    /* Thanks to Ali for this check! */

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 55 AS CheckID ,

    200 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'Database Owner <> SA' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Database name: ' + name + ' ' + 'Owner name: '

    + SUSER_SNAME(owner_sid) ) AS Details

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE SUSER_SNAME(owner_sid) <> SUSER_SNAME(0x01) ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT 56, 100, ''Performance'', ''Check Constraint Not Trusted'', '''', (''The check constraint [?].['' + + ''].['' + + ''].['' + + ''] is not trusted - meaning, it was disabled, data was changed, and then the constraint was enabled again. Simply enabling the constraint is not enough for the optimizer to use this constraint - we have to alter the table using the WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT parameter.'') from [?].sys.check_constraints i INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON i.parent_object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE i.is_not_trusted = 1 AND i.is_not_for_replication = 0' ;

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    SELECT 57 AS CheckID ,

    10 AS Priority ,

    'Security' AS FindingsGroup ,

    'SQL Agent Job Runs at Startup' AS Finding ,

    '' AS URL ,

    ( 'Job ' +

    + '] runs automatically when SQL Server Agent starts up. Make sure you know exactly what this job is doing, because it could pose a security risk.' ) AS Details

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysschedules sched

    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules jsched ON sched.schedule_id = jsched.schedule_id

    JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobs j ON jsched.job_id = j.job_id

    WHERE sched.freq_type = 64 ;

    IF @CheckUserDatabaseObjects = 1


    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT DISTINCT 38, 110, ''Performance'', ''Active Tables Without Clustered Indexes'', '''', (''The ? database has heaps - tables without a clustered index - that are being actively queried.'') FROM [?].sys.indexes i INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id INNER JOIN sys.databases sd ON = ''?'' LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ius ON i.object_id = ius.object_id AND i.index_id = ius.index_id AND ius.database_id = sd.database_id WHERE i.type_desc = ''HEAP'' AND COALESCE(ius.user_seeks, ius.user_scans, ius.user_lookups, ius.user_updates) IS NOT NULL AND <> ''tempdb''' ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT DISTINCT 39, 110, ''Performance'', ''Inactive Tables Without Clustered Indexes'', '''', (''The ? database has heaps - tables without a clustered index - that have not been queried since the last restart. These may be backup tables carelessly left behind.'') FROM [?].sys.indexes i INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id INNER JOIN sys.databases sd ON = ''?'' LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ius ON i.object_id = ius.object_id AND i.index_id = ius.index_id AND ius.database_id = sd.database_id WHERE i.type_desc = ''HEAP'' AND COALESCE(ius.user_seeks, ius.user_scans, ius.user_lookups, ius.user_updates) IS NULL AND <> ''tempdb''' ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT 46, 100, ''Performance'', ''Leftover Fake Indexes From Wizards'', '''', (''The index [?].['' + + ''].['' + + ''].['' + + ''] is a leftover hypothetical index from the Index Tuning Wizard or Database Tuning Advisor. This index is not actually helping performance and should be removed.'') from [?].sys.indexes i INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE i.is_hypothetical = 1' ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT 47, 100, ''Performance'', ''Indexes Disabled'', '''', (''The index [?].['' + + ''].['' + + ''].['' + + ''] is disabled. This index is not actually helping performance and should either be enabled or removed.'') from [?].sys.indexes i INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE i.is_disabled = 1' ;

    EXEC dbo.sp_MSforeachdb 'INSERT INTO #BlitzResults SELECT 48, 100, ''Performance'', ''Foreign Key Not Trusted'', '''', (''The foreign key [?].['' + + ''].['' + + ''].['' + + ''] is not trusted - meaning, it was disabled, data was changed, and then the key was enabled again. Simply enabling the key is not enough for the optimizer to use this key - we have to alter the table using the WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT parameter.'') from [?].sys.foreign_keys i INNER JOIN [?].sys.objects o ON i.parent_object_id = o.object_id INNER JOIN [?].sys.schemas s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE i.is_not_trusted = 1 AND i.is_not_for_replication = 0' ;

    END /* IF @CheckUserDatabaseObjects = 1 */

    INSERT INTO #BlitzResults

    ( CheckID ,

    Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    URL ,



    VALUES ( -1 ,

    255 ,

    'Thanks!' ,

    'From Brent Ozar PLF, LLC' ,

    '' ,

    'Thanks from the Brent Ozar PLF, LLC team. We hope you found this tool useful, and if you need help relieving your SQL Server pains, email us at'

    ) ;

    SELECT [Priority] ,

    [FindingsGroup] ,

    [Finding] ,

    ( + '?VersionNumber=' + @VersionNumber ) AS ,

    [Details] ,


    FROM #BlitzResults

    ORDER BY Priority ,

    FindingsGroup ,

    Finding ,

    Details ;

    DROP TABLE #BlitzResults ;



    IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.sp_BlitzUpdate') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROC dbo.sp_BlitzUpdate ;


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_BlitzUpdate



    CREATE TABLE #Scripts ( ScriptDDL VARCHAR(MAX) ) ;


    @ScriptOpenRowset VARCHAR(MAX) ;


    FROM sys.configurations

    WHERE name = 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries'

    AND value_in_use = 0 )


    PRINT 'sp_BlitzUpdate requires Ad Hoc Distributed Queries to be turned on.'

    PRINT 'For more information, see'

    PRINT 'If you feel adventurous, you can turn it on by running these commands: '

    PRINT 'EXECUTE SP_CONFIGURE ''show advanced options'', 1;'


    PRINT 'GO'

    PRINT 'EXECUTE SP_CONFIGURE ''Ad Hoc Distributed Queries'', ''1'';'


    PRINT 'GO'




    SET @ScriptOpenRowset = 'INSERT INTO #Scripts SELECT a.ScriptDDL FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'', '';UID=ReadOnly;PWD=PainRelief;'',

    ''SELECT TOP 1 ScriptDDL FROM dbo.Scripts WHERE ScriptName = ''''sp_Blitz'''' ORDER BY ScriptID DESC'') AS a;' ;

    EXEC(@ScriptOpenRowset) ;

    SELECT @ScriptDDL = ScriptDDL

    FROM #Scripts ;

    /* Drop the existing Blitz script if it already exists */

    IF OBJECT_ID('master.dbo.sp_Blitz') IS NOT NULL

    DROP PROC dbo.sp_Blitz ;

    EXEC(@ScriptDDL) ;




    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • Andy - Brent's script is a good one but the OP should be warned it isn't a catch-all. I used this script once, took note of the recommendations and put it away again. It's a good start though.


    Note to developers:
    So why complicate your code AND MAKE MY JOB HARDER??!:crazy:

    Want to get the best help? Click here (Jeff Moden)
    My blog:
    Visit to find out more about me.

  • Yep, you are 100% correct Derek as far as I'm aware there is no script that will be a 'Catch All'!

    However the OP didn't ask for a Catch All script per se and as you say this is a decent start so thought I would provide it 😀

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • As everyone has said, there are no catch all scripts, but if your company is willing to purchase software, we use Idera's SQL Doctor which I have found very useful, and like anything it doesn't catch everything but is a good starting point and will give you a lot of info, including transact to fix certain issues. Be advised these are generic and that needs to be taken into account when deciding whether to act on the recommendations given.

  • Here is a good set of scripts to use:

    BUT you need to know a bit to INTERPRET the resulting outputs. MUCH better is to hire a professional to give your systems/applications a review and MENTOR you on how to do the same. Win-Win.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Thank you all for your replies …

    Actually I have no idea about a DB or Server Health Check mean, I was expecting a script which can give me a message about the Databases status and the data status like the indexing and stats, and about the server any jobs failed if so why and if it is on a cluster on which node it’s working.

    Thank you in Advance.

  • ksr39 (8/7/2012)

    Thank you all for your replies …

    Actually I have no idea about a DB or Server Health Check mean, I was expecting a script which can give me a message about the Databases status and the data status like the indexing and stats, and about the server any jobs failed if so why and if it is on a cluster on which node it’s working.

    Thank you in Advance.

    You now present a specific list of desired outputs. There are a bunch of scripts online that can do parts of what you want, but I doubt very much you will find one to cover everything. Also, you still need to know how to interpret and what you want to do with the information you get. Various third party products likely can fill the bill partially or completely. Or you can hire someone to build scripts for exactly what you want. Or get one of the books on DMVs (I think there may be a free ebook on that, maybe 2) and learn about them so you can roll your own.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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