Introduction to DTS in SQL Server 2005

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  • An Excellent article. There is no way to struggle for any material. Artical is well formatted, well written with screen shots. Great work.



    Sameer Dehalvi.

  • Thanks Sameer. Nice to see you liked the article.

    Others, your comments are welcome.

    Vinod Kumar

  • Hi Vinod

    The screen shots might need to be changed, as thos product is now called SSIS and not DTS




  • Vinod,

    Good work :-). Its better to update the screenshots which refer to the name "DTS", as now there is nothing called DTS in SQL Server 2005, as you know its SSIS. I felt this change needs to be done, coz it might be confusing to a newbie.



    My Blog

  • I agree with Sudheer, Its been a long time since Microsoft change the name to SSIS (In Beta 2 may be even late beta 1). So to show screen shots that no longer exist is a bit misleading for some folks.

  • It is an important artical.  Yet, it is written mostly for someone that olready know the components.




  • In The article, the "Raw File Source" may need to be replaced with "Flat File Source". If I copy the content form event viewer to a text file and designate it as a "Raw File Source" in the Data Flow Diagram, SSIS gives an error. However the same text file works fine when designated as a "Flat File Source". In fact, you have mentioned it as a "Flat File Source" in the diagram in your example but in the paragraph above the diagram, you have mentioned it as "Raw File Source". May be it's a typo. However, the article is great, very informative and to-the-point. Great work.  

    Kindest Regards,

    M Suresh Kumar

  • Maybe for a programmer SSIS is a big improvement over DTS, but for a normal user who just wants to dump the data from a table, it's overly complicated.

  • I have to agree... Things I used to know how to do in DTS I find to be a major chore in SSIS. I miss DTS... Would have been happier if they had fully supported both. DTS for the simple stuff... SSIS when you need the raw muscle.

    I know I can download the DTS designer component for SQL 2K5... but I would like to occasionally make new DTS packages and not just edit old ones.

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
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  • Heh, don't tell anyone, 😉 but you can create a new DTS package in SSMS by opening an existing legacy DTS package and saving it with a new name. Then, open the new package and replace what's in it with whatever you want in the new package.


  • Works great when you have one to open... some of us have made job transitions to SQL 2k5 only shops... :/

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
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  • Maybe for a programmer SSIS is a big improvement over DTS, but for a normal user who just wants to dump the data from a table, it's overly complicated.

    I am a Programmer, and have worked with VS for many years. My impression is no different than yours. 'Overly complicated' is a polite way of describing it. I'll keep using DTS for as long as it's supported.

    Tom Garth

    Tom Garth
    Vertical Solutions[/url]

    "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." -- Will Rogers
  • mtassin (2/1/2008)

    Works great when you have one to open... some of us have made job transitions to SQL 2k5 only shops... :/

    but I would like to occasionally make new DTS packages and not just edit old ones.

    It sounded like you had old DTS packages.


  • mtassin (2/1/2008)

    Works great when you have one to open... some of us have made job transitions to SQL 2k5 only shops... :/

    Do you mean that you don't have access to a single SQL 2k instance? Then why don't you install one, complete with sample DBs, and create a couple of templates to work with?

    Tom Garth

    Tom Garth
    Vertical Solutions[/url]

    "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." -- Will Rogers

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