• Hi Chris,

    I've been trying to work out a stragey for my merging but I'm struggling a little. :blush:

    The merge stored procedure will accept two parameters, the source table and the merge criteria

    1) Merge by Contact

    2) Merge by Business

    3) Merge by Address

    Maybe I've started with the wrong one but I'm trying to work out the Merge by Address but I just can't get it right.

    As mentioned previoulsy, the source table will always be in the following format:

    create table dbo.PreMerge (
















    I've applied the iTVF to get a match ratio for each column in the following sample data.

    insert into PreMerge (master_id, Title, Forename, Surname, CompanyName, Address1, Address2, Town, Postcode, Hierarchy)

    select 1547300,'Mr','E','Glowver',NULL,'21 Harcourt Crescent','Nuthall','Nottingham','NG14 6BT','20100309' union all

    select 1581378,'Mrs','C E','Glowver',NULL,'21 Harcourt Crescent',NULL,'Nottingham','NG14 6BT','20100309' union all

    select 43196681, NULL,NULL,'Glowveer',NULL,'21 Harcourt','Crescent',NULL,'NG14 6BT','20120501' union all

    select 43196681, 'Mr','C J E','Glowser',NULL,'Harcourt','21 Harcourt Crescent',NULL,'NG14 6BT','20120501' union all

    select 64273, 'Mrs', 'A', 'Tomlinson', NULL, '13 Harwood New Road', NULL, 'BLACKBURN', 'BB4 6QS', 2 union all

    select 74575, 'Mr', 'M', 'Tomlinson', NULL, '13 Harwood New Road Great Harw', 'Great Harwood', 'BLACKBURN', 'BB4 6QS', 2


    if object_id('PostMergeTest') > 0

    drop table dbo.PostMergeTest



    r.master_id as retained_master_id,

    t.master_id as deleted_master_id,

    '#' AS '#',

    isnull(FuzzyTitle.MatchRatio, 0) as Title_MatchRatio,

    isnull(FuzzyForename.MatchRatio, 0) as Forename_MatchRatio,

    isnull(FuzzySurname.MatchRatio, 0) as Surname_MatchRatio,

    isnull(FuzzyAddress1.MatchRatio, 0) as Address1_MatchRatio,

    isnull(FuzzyTown.MatchRatio, 0) as Town_MatchRatio,

    '#' AS '##',

    r.title as retained_title,

    r.forename as retained_forename,

    r.surname as retained_surname,

    r.Address1 as retained_Address1,

    r.Address2 as retained_Address2,

    r.Town as retained_Town,

    '#' AS '###',

    t.title as deleted_title,

    t.forename as deleted_forename,

    t.Surname as deleted_surname,

    t.Address1 as deleted_Address1,

    t.Address2 as deleted_Address2,

    t.Town as deleted_Town

    into dbo.PostMergeTest

    FROM dbo.PreMerge r

    INNER JOIN dbo.PreMerge t

    ON t.postcode = r.postcode

    AND ((r.hierarchy<t.hierarchy) or (r.hierarchy=t.hierarchy and r.master_id>t.master_id))


    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzzyMatch_iTVF2k5] (r.Title, t.Title) FuzzyTitle-- Title

    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzzyMatch_iTVF2k5] (r.Forename, t.Forename) FuzzyForename-- Forename

    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzzyMatch_iTVF2k5] (r.Surname, t.Surname) FuzzySurname-- Surname

    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzzyMatch_iTVF2k5] (r.address1, t.address2) FuzzyAddress12-- Address1&Address2

    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzzyMatch_iTVF2k5] (r.address1, t.Address1) FuzzyAddress1-- Address1

    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[FuzzyMatch_iTVF2k5] (r.Town, t.Town) FuzzyTown-- Town


    order by Fuzzysurname.MatchRatio


    I then created a new table to hold the duplicate IDs:

    -- Match Level 1 = Surname, Address1 100% match

    insert into dbo.FinalSiteDuplicates (retained_master_id, deleted_master_id, MatchLevel)





    from PostMergeTest

    where (Surname_MatchRatio > 99 and Address1_MatchRatio > 99)






    This find one duplicate but I've been trying different ration numbers and I jst can't get it to work.

    am I doing this whole thing wrong? Is there a better way to do this?

    Thanks in advance.


    It takes a minimal capacity for rational thought to see that the corporate 'free press' is a structurally irrational and biased, and extremely violent, system of elite propaganda.
    David Edwards - Media lens[/url]

    Society has varying and conflicting interests; what is called objectivity is the disguise of one of these interests - that of neutrality. But neutrality is a fiction in an unneutral world. There are victims, there are executioners, and there are bystanders... and the 'objectivity' of the bystander calls for inaction while other heads fall.
    Howard Zinn