• It does sound like stats one way or another, but as your non-ANSI joins are not simple equality checks, you could easily end up with a more stable plan by converting these to ANSI joins. I've given a quick example below - please check the results before using:

    SELECT pixel ,

    syndicationOutletId ,

    outlet ,

    geo.[metro-code] ,

    dma.metroName ,

    dma.regions ,

    SUM(imps) impressions ,

    COUNT(imps) uniques

    FROM #temp4 t

    INNER JOIN VINDICOSUITE_NETACUITY.dbo.GeoDatabase geo WITH ( NOLOCK) ON t.ipNumber BETWEEN geo.ipFrom AND geo.ipTo

    INNER JOIN VINDICOSUITE_NETACUITY.dbo.Metro dma ON geo.[metro-code] = dma.metroKey

    WHERE geo.[metro-code] NOT LIKE 'metro-code0'

    GROUP BY syndicationOutletId ,

    geo.[metro-code] ,

    dma.metroName ,

    outlet ,

    pixel ,


    I'd also suggest not using the NOLOCK clause if you can help it. It's pretty dangerous unless you don't mind the results being inaccurate.